[56raf_firebirds] Re: Fwd: Subscription request for '56raf_firebirds'

  • From: 56RAF_phoenix <phoenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: 56raf_firebirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 8 May 2023 11:18:15 +0100

Witch - No. Yesterday, I invited Springer to rejoin on a direct email to him. But this is not his email.
I suspect his email is truly hacked. Hence the cc.

Well done for asking, Witch.

Interestingly, I also emailed our TS password to him in the same email, *so everyone watch out for suspect joiners*.
Now, the password doesn't give any privileges other than being able to join the default channel, so we're reasonably safe.

Witch - as a side issue - if you and Bart fly with, or against us, I'd be happy to give you a TS channel for that purpose. However, it is a squad resource, for squad members and we have a fixed number of slots that cost a total of ~£40/year.
Don't take that personally, I'd say the same to any other flyers or other squads we cooperate with.


On 08/05/2023 05:47, Lee Fisher (l.fisher) wrote:

Anyone recognise this request to join this email list?


Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

*From:* FreeLists Mailing List Manager <ecartis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
*Date:* 8 May 2023 at 04:47:21 BST
*To:* 56raf_firebirds-admins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
*Subject:* *Subscription request for '56raf_firebirds'*

# Subscription request received from grannyflats@xxxxxx
# for the address grannyflats@xxxxxx and list 56raf_firebirds
Please follow the URL below to complete the process.


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