[Wittrs] for SWM, not what you asked for but

  • From: "J" <ubersicht@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrsamr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 01 Jan 2010 19:08:04 -0000

Whether or not I have given what you have to say any less than it deserves, I 
have given you less than you deserve as a person deserving of respect and 
dignity.  Whether or not your interpretations and arguments merit anything more 
than a dismissal, you as a person have a right not to be treated shabbily.  And 
I have treated you shabbily.  I should do better.  Summary dismissals are rude 
but sometimes justified but my behavior has gone beyond that into gratuitous 
rudeness.  And this isn't the first time.

Whether or not you attract such treatment is for you to consider (or not: it's 
not my place to say) but my responsibility as a human being interacting with 
other human beings is to show some basic civility.  I apologize again.

My behavior is unjustified and unjustifiable because there is no moral basis 
for exempting someone from common decency on the basis of something as 
ultimately unimportant as the quality of their readings or their reasoning.  
And my treating you as I have, against my better judgment, does not speak well 
for me as either a moral or a rational being.

You should feel free to participate according to your time, interests, and 
abilities, no doubt facing criticisms as you do so, but without being subjected 
to attacks on your character or intelligence.

If my behavior has made you feel unwelcome, the fault lies squarely with me.


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