RE: harmonic entropy

  • From: Carl Lumma <carl@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 16:15:09 -0700

>In many ways, it deviates strongly from that shape. Particularly, the
>"levels" don't line up at all -- rather, what lines up are levels of equal
>tenney complexity. You can make a "tenney tree" -- that would be better.
>>"Members from the first 3 iterations are confined to their
>>iteration level by their harmonic entropy values.  Members from
>>further iterations begin to occupy the ranges of the first 3."
>Is this supposed to sound special in some way?

I don't know.  Just that Stern-Brocot level obeys Tenney complexity
for the first 3 levels.

>>"The local minima shown on these graphs correspond to members of a
>>3-iteration Stern Brocot tree on 1/1 and 0/1, plus selected members
>>of further iterations (those reached by increasingly dropping the
>>right-hand side of the iterations)."
>Can you formalize "increasingly dropping the right-hand side of the

Not easily.



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