[texbirds] Lake Creek Trail -- Saturday 6th

  • From: Elliott Gordon <tengalloncat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: TexBirds <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2013 13:21:07 -0500

55 species in three hours (but most birds in the first two)
http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S13650615 . What more can I say?
So, it started off lively, with Bronzed Cowbird near the parking lot (on
Braes Valley), a Field Sparrow close enough for no binoculars, and a Great
Blue Heron in the creek. As I came up to the fields, there was a
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron above the footbridge, and plenty of waders
between the fields (both Yellowlegs, Least, Pectoral, and Solitary
Sandpipers, Killdeer). Also, a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher perched close for
a photo.

After the trail crosses the creek, I ducked through the trees to find a
Great Egret and a pool of Blue-winged Teals. They would not stay long
(maybe the most skittish ducks), and a Sharp-shinned Hawk (only raptor of
the day) scared away the few waders. Past the soccer fields, where the
houses back up to the trail, a Bewick's Wren was singing (and gave good
looks), a few Clay-colored Sparrows were with some Lincoln's Sparrows, and
a male Black-chinned Hummingbird too. A large flock of House Finches was
joined by my only female Red-winged Blackbird. Down by the pond (near
Palmer), Black Vultures were in the trees, on power poles, and on the
ground, but no ducks. Snowy Egrets joined the Greats, and another
collection of waders had all but Leasts plus a Long-billed(?) Dowitcher
(see photos). Back near the parking lot, a Nashville Warbler and House Wren
were a good final note.


Elliott Gordon
NW Austin

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  • » [texbirds] Lake Creek Trail -- Saturday 6th - Elliott Gordon