[tccrockets] Re: Some suggestions on our web presence.

  • From: Chris Attebery <chrisattebery1971@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: tccrockets <tccrockets@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 12:06:23 -0700

The main differences that I see are:

1. I have to search for Tripoli Central California when I want to see the
TCC page. There isn't a quick link on the side bar like the other rocketry
groups I follow. I can also see when when someone posts to a group by
looking at the sidebar.

2. When I go to a group page I can see all of the posts to that group
immediately. On the TCC page you have to click on the "Posts to page" to
see other members posts. It's more obscure and less user friendly.

3. The NAR group has over 2500 members. I don't think we'll ever exceed

From your link:

"Usually the main reason for having a Facebook Group is to have a place
where you *encourage discussion* among the members of the group.  Facebook
Groups are for community building within the members.  They are a great
place to have people ask questions that the group will discuss."

On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 10:54 AM, James Dougherty <jafrado@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> FYI, I spoke to some of my friends at Facebook. They checked out I setup
> the TCC Pages and it has a dedicated application ID.
> The open group has a lot more limitations, especially from the insights
> functionality. Also, groups are limited in how many members
> you can have and the ability to post messages. Is there some functionality
> missing from the current TCC Page? Let me know; we have
> the technology! Also, what can you not post to FB - you should be able to
> (facebook.tcom/tccrockets)
> BTW, lots of folks on the TCC chat come from FB ... I've had over 40 new
> members in the last month!
> Some stats below:
> [image: Inline image 1]
> Thanks!
> -James
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Chris Attebery <
> chrisattebery1971@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> First off, please take all of my comments as CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.
>> First off, are we looking to grow the club? That's an honest question. It
>> seems to me that TCC is in the Goldilocks zone right now, not too small,
>> but not so big that the core members can't enjoy the launches too. I've
>> been to ROC launches where you were lucky to get more than one flight a
>> day. LUNAR's Moffett launches are like that too. October Skies was a great
>> launch and part of what made it great was the fact that while there was a
>> constant flow of rockets being launched there didn't seem to be a line to
>> get on the pads for most of the weekend.
>> If we're looking to get the word out and grow the club I have a couple
>> suggestions:
>> 1. I see a lot of questions on TRF about TCC's launches. David Robb,
>> myself and a couple others try to fill in the blanks, but maybe we should
>> try to make some official announcements there when we can. I'd be happy to
>> handle it. I think TRF will attract more fliers than any other source. The
>> people there are already rocketeers and they have a strong membership.
>> 2. Can we change the Facebook page from an entity to a group like
>> AeroPAC, LUNAR and ROC have? I think it would generate more interest if
>> prospective members could ask questions and current members posted pictures
>> and discussed their projects there.
>> 3. I've seen a lot of comments that people don't seem to be able to find
>> the information they are looking for on the tccrockets website. There are a
>> ton of links on the main page and I think it could be more intuitive. I'm
>> not a web designer, but I'd be willing to take a crack at updating it.
>> Let the beatings begin...
>> Chris

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