[tcb] Re: Batteries (again)

  • From: "Gerald V. Livingston II" <gerald.tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bustravler@xxxxxxx, tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 13:17:40 -0500

What, South Africa doesn't have free wireless for the whole country(ies)?

I set you to "vacation" mode. Let me know when you're back and I'll unset it --- or you can.

If you have access to the web go to //www.freelists.org/list/tcb

You can read the list messages that come in by clicking the "Archive" link.

Click the "Log in directly to this list" link to set up a password so you can log in and change your own settings (like subscribe/unsubscribe and turn VACATION on/off)

Vacation mode leaves you subscribed to the list so you can post if you want to reply to something you read in the archives -- it just stops all SENDING of the list messages to your email address.


bustravler@xxxxxxx wrote:
I am curently in South Africa and need to unsubscribe to the list as my mail 
box is getting overloaded. I tried the conventional means to no avail.

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