[smee] Re: Sunday

  • From: Heiling Barry T Maj USAFE/DOXE <barry.heiling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'smee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <smee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 15:59:19 +0200

Wow, sounds like you had a good time Flue.  Gratz on your epic item.

Not surprising that Omani came to help when Cannis got wiped on break-in
attempt.  He hangs out with lots of Omani folks.  Well, not overly shocking
to have a ranger as MT on fear now.  Cannis is of course a level 65 ranger
and Fear was set up when the level cap was 50.  Remember when we had a two
group wipeout against VSR?  Well, Cannis assures me he can duo VSR with a
cleric friend of his.

Ah AE in fear, it is awesome.  Well actually, AE anywhere is very very fun.
Nothing like laying waste to 10-20 mobs at a time.  Jum pulled for an AE
group in Velks.  Pulled all (11-21) of Frenzy and FW camps and watched a
mage and enchanter blow em all up.

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