[sib-access] Re: my navigation issue

  • From: David P Shortland <dragamilov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sib-access@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 08:11:17 +1000

Greetings Everyone from 'Down Under'

I was going to send a message today with regards this very problem.

After many frustrating hours of listening to

The Tools Window Needs Fixing. Press Control F1 and Choose Fix Tool Windows.

And no matter what I have done, this is always there.

As I have not yet read all my emails, mayhap the answer or work 
arounds have been given, if that is the case, then please disregard this email

Obviously, it works very well for some people, as to look how Kevin 
is progressing, it sounds SO Impressive!!

Cannot wait.

Just in case you are thinking, there is no malice meant in this 
email, the work done by Dan, Tim and others for this project is 
astounding, and truly remarkable.

 From the land of the Rising Sun, *low honourable bow*

Take care


At 12:55 PM 23/09/2008 +0200, you wrote:
>Hello Dan and all, I have news after experimenting some more, Here is what
>Each time I tab or Aero in a score, it will always say a strange, "her."
>then the same note nameC sharp for, and same location, bar 18, If I then
>press control+`to disable the plug-in, arrowing works but Jaws doesn't speak
>the note name. It will say something like
>"note at 3, quarter" or " rest at 4" and so on but will never speak the note
>Of course, reenabling the plug-in doesn't cure the problem either.
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