[SI-LIST] Re: Question: Energy X'mit Directions of Maxwell's eq.s

  • From: "Ched-Chang Chai" <ched_chang@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ikanno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, si-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 13:44:10 +0800

Hi Kanno-san,

I try to answer your question.

In the case of DC conductive current, the charges move at a steady rate, 
thus J are constant in time.
This is magnetostatics, and all d/dt=0.
Thus, rot H = J.
The electric and magnetic fields are no longer interconnected in the static 

Direction of ExH is only applicable to time-varying fields.

The voltage source applied at the ends of the wire gives rise to a electric 
The charges in the wire move as a result of the applied electric field or 
the potential difference.

Others please correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you.

>From: ikanno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Reply-To: ikanno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: si-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [SI-LIST] Question: Energy X'mit Directions of Maxwell's eq.s
>Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2002 17:41:29 +0900
>Dear everyone,
>It's X'mas,  so please forgive me to ask a very  basic
>question about X'mission direction of   holly Maxwell's  equations.
>I want to ask  the transmission direction of energy,
>of  two rotational equations, which no text book says.
>I think the directions are implicit,  but  exists,  hiddenly
>described by  "rot"operator,  such as;
>rot H --> J + dD/dt
>  rot E--> - dB/dt
>  I will be pleasured if everyone  send  me the advises,
>  OK ,   reverse,  nonsense, or  it is  profanity  etc...
>Does anyone know the discussion on  direction of MAXWELL's eq.s?
>I prefer above directions , because   especially  in the case of
>DC conductive current,  "rot H  makes J (sigma*E)  ",
>seems to me , will explain the  Amper's DC law visually.
>Internally in the conductor, ExH shows a strange  direction;
>towards the radial center of wires. Why DC current  can  proceed
>in/on wires?
>The  H  in the air side, seems to me,  provides the energy
>  to the DC conductive current(?).
>And please remember Maxwell's relaxzation time ,
>a very very  small response delay time of electrons to
>follow E  after stopping random-walking.  J has a delay.
>  I should have a barbarity  to imagine Amper's law as if it describes
>"result status" , though Viot-Savart law says J makes H...  (source).
>Anyway,  small joke in X'mas. ( Arrow or = , that's a question. )
>Have a nice X'mas !
>Izuru Kanno
>Sun Corp. Japan
>   ^ ^       ^  ^       ^ ^
>o|@|o|Q|o|@|o|Q|o|@|o...   zzz
>        v v       v v
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