[SI-LIST] Hspice error message?

  • From: Brahim Koudssi <brahim@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: si-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 10:24:01 -0700


Has anyone ever seen this message generated by hspice file.out?

**error** the memory request exceeds the current available space.
         # memory which has been allocated =  1811278 kbytes
         # memory in next memory request which fails =   658945 kbytes
Please continue by
Step 1: Inspect input file for possible errors in .TRAN
        statement or any sources with repeating functions.
Step 2: If other users or jobs are running, wait until
        they free up more memory space.
Step 3: Have your system manager enlarge the swap space
        on this cpu

         ***** job aborted

If yes, what was the solution?


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