[SeniorTech] Re: Stopping telemarketing calls

  • From: GmoffettLtTouch@xxxxxxx
  • To: seniortech@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2014 01:15:21 -0500 (EST)

Thanks for the note and advice, Avis.
I find most charities on the phone will push a little to get you to at  
least pledge a one time amount, but I continue to very nicely tell them  'No'.  
I don't want to give my credit card out over the phone, for one  thing, and 
how do I know they are really a charity or not. 
     I had one very aggressive woman last week  from Sierra Club, who just 
didn't want to take no for an answer, and I finally  had to tell her she was 
becoming too aggressive ...and that I was NOT  donating any amount what so 
ever to her that day.  She was trying to make  me feel guilty that I wasn't 
caring enough about the earth to donate to  them.  I wonder if they are just 
some marketing agency that works for  the charity.... and they probably 
work on a  commission. 
        The only one I agreed to a  monthly withdrawal from my credit card 
was the American Humane Assoc, for a  minimal amount.  There are so many 
worthwhile charities that I would like  to support, but just don't have the 
money, so I send what I can every so often  to whomever appeals to me at the 
moment.  That will have to suffice until I  hit the Lottery and am rolling in 
dough....lol.   Ginny
In a message dated 3/7/2014 12:49:24 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
ajbreding@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

Ginny,  my do not call doesn't work all the time either, and  sometimes I 
think when they start the robo calls it automatically just dials  the next 
number all by itself so maybe the do not call list doesn't work in  that 

If I am home and my caller ID tells me it is someone I  don't know,  and if 
there is a message I push "talk"  and in the  next second push "off".    
One of the charities has been calling,  and the last two times I did it I 
haven't heard from them since.    Probably wouldn't work all the time.     

We can't  afford to give a donation to every organization so some of them 
go into the  shredder the minute they come.    Do they have to buy a non 
profit  license is their mailing  out to every one totally free?    And  here 
another thought  I get letters from different organizations but  the 
address to return the money is usually another state.   So I  check our local 
listings and donate to the local one instead.     With the diabetes association 
I sponsor a child taking the class every year  and I have pre-diabetes.    I 
do believe in our Red Cross as well  locally so will support them as well.  

The latest one hitting ND  is the call saying our "credit card" has been 
compromised and they would like  to have our CC Number!! 
First off we have been told never to give it over  the phone or on line as 
well.    In fact you get to the point where  you don't want to use it in 
some places at all.    The latest is I  emailed one of the magazines and told 
them I didn't want to pay for it on  line,  and they said fine, we will send 
you a bill in the mail.   So what is next I begin to wonder!

and  now... here in ND it is bed time! 

Sleep well and have a good  night!

"Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to  others." 

- Jonathan  Swift

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