[SAS-BOD] Fwd: Spokane Astronomical Society and World SF Convention (Sasquan)

  • From: John Riegel <riegel.john@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sasbod@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2015 22:09:37 -0500

We are doing this, right?

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Eide, Phyllis" <eide@xxxxxxx>
Date: June 1, 2015 at 5:45:32 PM CDT
To: "john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
"debbie.ns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <debbie.ns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Eide, Phyllis" <eide@xxxxxxx>, Laurie Mann <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Jill
Eastlake Sasquan Events DH" <jill.eastlake@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Sam Scheiner
Subject: Spokane Astronomical Society and World SF Convention (Sasquan)

Hello! I’m writing on behalf of the 2015 World Science Fiction Convention,
which will be held Aug. 19-23, 2015 at the Spokane Convention Center. We
expect 5,000+ in attending members from all over the U.S. and from abroad.
One highlight of the convention will be the talk that will be given on 8/19
by Brother Guy Consolmagno (Vatican astronomer) who just received the Carl
Sagan award for communication with the public.

We would love to explore with you the potential to have Spokane Astronomical
Society participate in star viewing with telescope set ups, possibly from the
north side of the convention center on the 19th. [If you have a star party
that might be occurring on the 22nd, we could also share that information for
those who might be willing to travel out to see some very dark skies].

We understand that there might some potential to have this urban stargazing
from the top of Riverpark Square (where star parties have been held before).
I know from looking at your website that you are doing some joint activities
with Mobius – they are also on board to do activities at the Con. I’d be
happy to answer (or facilitate answers) to any questions you may have. It’s
an exciting event that will showcase the best of our region, and it would be
great to have your local star gazing expertise involved. Cheers!

Phyllis Eide/Sasquan local university liaison

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