[sac-board] Re: Sentinel and more potty talk

  • From: "Thad Robosson" <starstarcracker@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sac-board@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2003 15:08:55 -0700

> This is definitely something for the new board to consider, but
> funding a monthly port-a-pottie at sentinel from SAC funds is NOT
> supportable.  While the $20 from five people would be cheaper than the
> gas used, it might be cause a possible bad feelings between those
> paying an those using the "free" port-a-pottie.  We would need to
> address this issue to begin with rather than let it grow.  The
> port-a-pottie should be free for all ateending to use and request a
> donation for the continued availability (a sign near the port-a-pottie
> could say who to give the money to, as a bucket could result in
> missing money on a windy night).

Well, it's the first on the topic list.  Paul's got some good ideas
regarding this, anyone else got some?

Some thoughts...

I'm sure we could come up with some container that would keep money in
during a gust of wind.  Donations could be made right at the PAP.  Also, any
reason we couldn't have the same windproof container at the SAC meetings?

Also, who would be willing to handle this funding?  Jack has been handling
the PAP, but I don't want to assume that he would be willing to deal with
this too.  Besides, Steve did bring it up.... :-)

And how far do we take it?  Do we give out reciepts or keep track of who
gave what?  Do we get 5~6 people to donate the funding first and then
redistribute any "point of deposit" (sorry) donations evenly amongst those
5~6?   Obviously, this will work better if the event has plenty of prior
notice.  A couple of weeks seems to be a bit short notice, but if there are
several people willing to reliably donate on short notice, and then recoup
the "donations", this might be quite doable.

Any others?


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