[rollei_list] Re: OT: It's Coming Around Again

  • From: Grégoire Jacques Vandenschrick <fa420324@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 18:56:20 +0200

This is somhow... pathetic.
That's the marketting-sought place for film camera, technology challenged people. They do not conceive that one could try digital hi end cameras, and know all about them, and lightroom 2 or toshop, and software engineering also as a matter of fact (for my case at least), and just prefer their Rollei, for the poetry of it, for the built of it, for the dandy attitude of it, for the really beautiful negs that one can achieve with it. Didn't BRad Pitt received an old fancily reclad (Ostrich, Snake?) medium format folding, or even large from Angelina?

That poor crappy flashy grey chrome-lookalike stuff is really heart- thorning, if this is still correct english...


For my engineer references, some of you can remember some years ago I did made a mockup of a digital M camera, explaining how a microlens array could allow a full frame ccd array to work... for my understanding of digital stuff :-)

Le 30-sept.-10 à 04:37, Peter K. a écrit :

Yes, I've actually seen this. It is designed to appeal to the technology challenged, mostly older folk. It will sell.

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 7:28 PM, Eric Goldstein <egoldste@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is a CURRENT infomercial....


Eric Goldstein

Peter K

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