[rollei_list] My Personal Future

  • From: Marc James Small <msmall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 19:26:43 -0500

At 03:59 PM 3/23/06 -0800, Jim Brick wrote:

>>I am in the process of moving to Richmond,
>>VA, and my wife may have found a perfect house, one with a decent space for
>>a dark room.
>Great news Marc! At least the last part of the sentence...

I can rant for hours about this  Four years back, we bought a marvelous
house in the Old Southwest section of Roanoke, Virginia, a building of 3600
square feet and including a full basement, a garage, and, in the attic, a
servant's room, a school rom, and a trunk room.  I had itended on using the
servant's room as my darkroom but, other than having water run to it, the
project just got waylaid in the course of other concerns.  This house was
bult in 1896 and still has the mounting blocks for horse-riders in the
front yard;  it was built by the grandfather of the next-door neighbor, who
is a long-time acquiantance and who has lots of pictures of this house over
the years.

I am heartsick at leaving it.  My personal office is in a former sun-porch.
 There are a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers who do their dance of lust
outside my window, six feet away, every year.  I doubt that I shall ever
enjoy such a display again so close to my working space.

But having a working dark room is a grand thought:   my gear includes a
Leitz V-35 and a Beseler with APO-Rodagon lenses.  Hell, I've never used
the 80mm lens in real life.
Hving a real darkroom makes photography interesting.  I have not taken one
percent of the pictures I have shot over the preceding ten years since I
closed my last darkroom down in 2002.

And I still cannot figure out digital stuff.  (Sure, guys:  CARTHAGO
DELENDA ESSE and all of that!)


Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!

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