[rollei_list] Re: Is your Rollei your only camera ?

  • From: Marc James Small <msmall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 15:50:26 -0500

At 10:24 PM 3/27/05 +0200, Fred Fichter wrote:
>I'm thinking about trading all the serious cameras (japanese SLR + TLR)=20
>I have around for a Rollei, as I'm getting more and more interested in=20
>medium format and I don't have the money to keep all this gear.
>Would probably not loose a lot of abilities in the process, as 90% of=20
>the time I use a normal lens with 6x6 or 35mm.
>Nevertheless, I'd like to hear from Rollei-only shooters... are you=20
>happy ?

I have six Rollei TLR's, one Rollei SLR, one Rollei Digital P&S, two Zeiss
Ikon TLR's, a slew of Contax RF and Contarex and Contaflex SLR's, a couple
of Super Ikonta B's, an Ikonta C, two Box Tengors, a Voigtl=E4nder Bessa, tw=
Icarices, a couple of Retina IIIc's, a Werra 3, a bunch of Kiev RF's, a
Kiev 66, three Hasselblads (a 2000 FC/M, a 500 C, and a Superwide), and
some Practica and Praktina gear. =20

80% of my shooting is now with my Rollei Digital P&S and almost all the
rest with my 2.8GX.  I generally keep some film in my 2.8F and Hasselblad
Superwide just in case.


Cha robh b=E0s fir gun ghr=E0s fir!

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