[rollei_list] Re: Idle Thoughts on the US Memorial Day

  • From: Michael Eric Berube <pj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 22:55:19 -0400

Marc James Small wrote:
Every legitimate poll currently shows McCain winning by around 85 electoral votes over Obama and by around 110 electoral votes over Clinton if the election were held today. Bear in mind that the election is still more than five months away, and a LOT can happen in the interim:
like... hopefully the electorate will come to it's senses and reject the false dichotomy that is described as a 'two party' system!? (I'll not hold my breath.)
Me? I shall not vote for McCain but I am spared the necessity as he will certainly take my home Commonwealth of Virginia by storm, so I can safely cast a protest vote, probably Libertarian.
I was the Oxford Cty Chair of the LP in ME all through the 90s and I've voted for the Libertarian Presidential Candidate every election since 1992 when I was first turned on to the LP and the ideas of self government, individual liberty and responsibility.

This year, I was an elected Delegate for Ron Paul at my state convention. Even though we made up 25% of the overall delegates in Augusta, we got nearly completely shut out (1:18 National Delgates) by a party that is rapidly trying to convince itself that it needs to 'win' so badly that it should betray its very reason to exist and vote for a pro-war Big Government pseudo-con who is so afraid of being seen as flying the white flag of surrender to the enemy as he feels happened to him in SEAsia in 1967 that he is willing to destroy what is left of our economy and international relations by expanding a never ending 'war' with something as amorphously defined as 'terrorism.'

I would vote for the LP candidate this year too BUT I cannot in good conscience pretend that Robert Barr will somehow now support and defend the Constitution after an entire career spent trying to subvert it any more than I can pretend that John McCain would wake up Jan09 a born again Constitutionalist Conservative.

It sickens me that the LP has taken the cheap and easy road to publicity/membership in nominating Rep. Barr. He is a sponsor of DOMA (he claims he now opposes it), a supporter The Patriot Act (he claims he now opposes it), the (undeclared) 'war' in Iraq (h.c.h.n.o.i), and he is the Congressman who called on the US Military restrict our servicemembers from exercising their Right to practice their religion unless it is a religion that HE believes is acceptable (no comment from Barr on this these days!) To have the LP choose this man as their (sacrificial) candidate over a long time, proven candidate with character, Dr. Mary Ruwart is just sick.

For the record, I don't expect that O'Bama will support the Constitution any more than Barr, Clinton, or McCain would either. I don't believe in what O'Bama believes in but I believe that O'Bama believes in what he says that he believes in. IN the sad sad situation that we find our Nation in at the moment, that may be enough in a CEO.

Meanwhile I will work for adoption of an Instant Runoff Election system http://fairvote.org/?page=1895 and to spread of an apportioned Electoral College System like that which Maine and Nebraska employ...via Congressional District instead of simple popular vote Winner Take All which favours urban/metro centers.

These two reforms would do more to foster positive change in our system of Government than all of the funding schemes and free speech restricting McCain/Feingold boondoggles and all of the time and energy wasted on 'third party' campaigns in a 'two party' system ever will.

Carpe lumen,
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