[rodgersorgan] Contemporary Music in Church

  • From: "EdAriz" <EdAriz@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <rodgersorgan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 09:46:22 -0700

I just have to comment on this discussion of music styles.  I am an advocate
of the blended service, and as a Rodgers Organ owner and member of this
group, I am surprised that no one has mentioned that we have the most
versatile "MIDI Controller" that any praise band could ever want!!!  We have
four "keyboards" (including the pedal) that can instantly call up any
program change number - layer 2 sounds on any keyboard, on most organs have
four memory levels with at least 10 general pistons in each level to call up
forty combinations at the touch of a button, velocity sensitivity on the 3
manuals - and on the new Trillium series you can select different velocities
for each MIDI coupler, whether the sustain switch works with each
independently for various functions --  AND you can instantly bring on very
realistic pipe sounds for the "traditional" hymns that can only be sung well
with organ.accompaniment.  Contemporary music is here to stay - I believe it
is our job to blend it with  traditional church music and make it appealing
to everyone.   I truely believe this is the only way to bring young
organists to the bench - as has been mentioned, young people have a
different musical style. and rather than change their tastes we must appeal
to their tastes and inject a bit of the traditional for them to get used to
as well.  It can no longer be organ music OR praise band - it needs to be
organ music AND praise band.  Once the contemporary musicians see what can
be done from a Rodgers Console - I believe they will be intrigued to
investigate further.

We as organists need to be more open and not so narrow minded in our
registrations on these wonderful instruments - we CAN appeal to all
congregational tastes with a little experimenting.  Use some of the warm pad
sounds to accompany the soloist - along with organ stops - they mix
beautifully.  (and I know we all over-use the Orchestral String sounds
<grin>)  How many used brass or trumpet patches from the PR300 for
Easter----it can be very thrilling, but don't quit there - continue to
experiment - it can be done very tastefully and you can "educate" the
congregation to appreciate this additional resource to touch the lives and
hearts of those you minister to.  The motto of NORAM Associates, Inc., the
Rodgers Organ Representative in Arizona is "Worship Enhancement
Specialists" - what more can be said!!!!

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