[roc-chat] Re: Watch-out Buddy! And fun stuff to bring up on ROCchat

  • From: Scott Christiansen <scootdawg30@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ROC <roc-chat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 13:53:59 -0800

Can't forget Wonder Woman Richard.
 Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 13:34:07 -0800
Subject: [roc-chat] Watch-out Buddy! And fun stuff to bring up on ROCchat
From: richard.dierking@xxxxxxxxx
To: roc-chat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

To educate new people to chat and entertain some of the old folk, I think it 
would be a good idea to list some 'land mine" subjects.  I've listed a couple 
below: Subject: Rocket Recovery, Kevlar vs. Nylon (Tubular), what is best?  
BTW: Everyone knows that Kevlar is best, but we have some old farts that still 
will not admit it.
 Subject: Politics and Religion:  I once suggested that because ROCtober would 
also be on Sunday, that we should have a Christian service for the Scouts on 
Sunday morning.  Yup, I really did post that  :-)  I think Erik Gates called me 
within 5 seconds of hitting the 'send' button on that one!  
 Subject: T-Shirts:  Really, how important are ROC T-shirts?  My favorite 
quote: "I think T-shirts are stupid."  He was joking around when he posted 
this, but OMG. Subject: Rocket size.  Model rockets vs. HP rockets.  Probably 
best not to call model rockets and their owners "weenies."   I was flying a lot 
of model rockets at the time this was mentioned on chat and even I got a little 
 Subject: Tracking.  So what is the best unit?  Make sure to start your post 
out with "My BeeLine is the best." Subject: Launch Procedures.  So, why those 
long lines?  I'm sure the old-timers get a real chuckle when this one comes up.
 Subject: Using the club's equipment.  But, I love my aluminum launch buttons.  
And, Wow, those new sparky motors are real fun to use.  Subject: Other people's 
launches.  This is a favorite of mine.  Can't wait for the next time I see, 
"Should I go to the SCRA launch this weekend?" or something like that.  Along 
the same line, years ago, I got on chat and not knowing better, I asked, "so, 
who's going to Frank's launch on Sunday."  I still have some emotional scars 
from that post.  
 Richard Dierking                                         

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