[roc-chat] Suggestions for ROC and youth groups

  • From: Mike & Nancy Kramer <kramer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: roc chat <roc-chat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 13:15:34 -0700

so, here is my thoughts on youth groups and ROC

Mike Kramer's suggestions for groups going forward


I think we should keep it like the event that it has been but take the approach, ROCtober is the time we give back and 'Provide a service tothe community' the remainder of the year we 'accommodate the community'.I have a number of detailed suggestions on ROCtober that I will post separately.We should charge enough that ROCtober pays for its own cost at least.

All the other suggestions I have are for launches *OTHER than ROCtober *

2)Groups, to get the group rate, the groups need to do ALL of the following:

a.Reserve at least 1 week in advance

b.Strongly recommend that an adult member of the group come up to a launch before the time they have scheduled *OR *have a ROC volunteer go visit the group *OR* have someone from ROC vouch for the group, this would be the case for groups that have come up multiple times.

c.Have a single adult leader from the group identified as the onsite contact

d.Have a member of ROC assigned as the group helper for that group, if no one will agree to sign up for this, tell the group we can't give them the group rate.

e.Give each 'youth' 2 tickets to launch, each ticket is good for a launch after their tickets are used up, they would be able to a launch ONLY when there isn't a significant wait as determined by LCO. This keeps groups from clogging things up when it is busy. If they pay full they can launch like everyone else. MAKE THIS VERY CLEAR TO THE GROUPS.

f.Provide an adult volunteer for a minimum of 1 shift for smaller groups, multiple shifts for larger groups.

3)Groups that just show up pay the full adult rate. MAKE THIS VERY CLEAR on the website, plus set a date when the policy goes into place.

4)TARC at launches, the TARC groups usually take a long time getting set up at the pad.This is ok, but to keep the 'flow going' set up a single or possibly two pads, separate from the regular launch pads, have their own controller placed at the RSO station.This can be a VERY basic launcher, light weight and small (see item 5 for more details).Let the TARC teams fly for free or just the lowest youth rate.

5)Loaner Pads, I think we should make a few 'loaner pads and controllers' for TARC teams, I would be happy to do a build party for these.Use them as loaner pads / launchers for groups that want to launch at the lakebed without ROC.Since TARC are model rockets I think they can launch at the lakebed without a Cal Pyro or a waiver (someone check me on this), I'm not sure about BLM.

6)Youth Helpers / Groups Helping out

I have always liked this idea, we just need to make sure that what we are doing is safe and legal.Some of the groups have consistently been great to work with CAP is one that comes to mind, plus there have been some GREAT younger volunteers.We just need to (IMO) think about the implications of a LCO under 18 launching a high powered rocket.

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