[pskmail] Re: PSKMAIL Server confusion

  • From: "Rein Couperus" <rein@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pskmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 17:54:44 +0200 (CEST)


we have at least 6 servers beaconing on 30m, so that should not be the problem.
E.g. DK4XI-3, DL9YCS-3, IS0GRB-3, PI4TUE, SM0RWO, 9A1CRA, S54FAA-3

Servers beacon on the first 5 minutes of the hour.
Frequency is 10147.00 center frequency, which means VFO frequency 10146.00. USB.
The sweet spot should then be on 1000 Hz. 
If your sweet spot is different, the VFO frequency should be adjusted 

There is quite some action in EU on 10147.00, especially during the day time.


Rein CT3/PA0R

>Hello All,
>I have been working on my server and I am a bit confused.
>I thought that since I cannot control this particular radio that I would
>stick it on 10147 Dial frequency and see how it worked out.
>I started testing last Friday and and have been monitoring the
>frequency to make sure that I have it set up.
>So far I have not heard a single beacon, so thinking I had my dial
>frequency (I have seen many different post and websites that show
>differences in the frequencies ) I have monitored 10146 and 10148 as
>well. I have not heard any beacons at all.
>I have fldigi setup according to the web site and I can copy other types
>of digital signals.
>I have had my Op Mode set to PSK-500R since I read that beacons were
>sent in that mode and I have RXID enabled.
>The Interface is a SignalLink the operating system is MINT on VMware ESXi.
>I know that when I did this a couple of years ago I could see beacons
>and since conditions are better I should be able to see more.
>The question is: Are there any servers beaconing on 30 meters?

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