[pskmail] Re: Another frustrating experience

  • From: Pär Crusefalk <per@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pskmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 08 May 2014 09:49:47 +0200

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Hello Jan,

It sounds strange to me that you can barely hear one/some servers,
that's where I would start looking for trouble.
Usually when I'm out and about I make sure I'm on the exact frequency
and then I use the 500 Hz filter to get rid of all the noise.
That really is my recipe for success, using the correct QRG and filter
as much as possible. Using it with a wide open (3 kHz) receiver is an
almost pointless and frustrating experience.
You really need to be able to hear the servers, that way you can get
some response to your ping and select the strongest server.
If you want to see if you are heard then my server is available here:

73 de Per

Jan Bruggeman skrev 2014-05-07 17:19:
> Hello list,
> Recently I was able to send and receive some mail, but on the whole,
it's a very frustrating experience.
> Today I again tried for more than 2 hours to receive one (1) small
mail, but it didn't work.
> My setup:
> - gap titan dx multi-band vertical
> - mfj antenna tuner
> - kenwood ts140 tranceiver
> - dsp filter
> - computer running linux mint
> I have both pskmail 1.5.29/fldigi and jpskmail 2.0.30 running. I swap
the ~/.pskmail/configuration.xml file whenever I switch clients
> the 2.0.30 is simple: it doesn't work. my transmitter goes into
transmit whenever I open the settings window. In that case, the
transmitter continues to transmit regardless of what I do in pskmail:
quit, disconnect, ... Even quiting pskmail completely doesn't stop the
transmit. I have to switch off the tranceiver. On the other hand, my
transmitter does not transmit anything when pressing the tune button,
sending a ping or a beacon or trying to connect. Using the (working)
1.5.29 config doesn't change a thing.
> fldigi / pskmail 1.5.29 does work. But I hardly hear anything. It
seems to me that my signal gets thru to the world, but can somebody
confirm this ? I have been busy today may 7th between 14:00 and 17:00 CET.
> the only server I can contact reasonably is OE5RTL (sorry for
monopolizing the server). Sometimes I hear 9A1CRA, but i've never been
able to do anything on it, timeout happens long before I receive anything.
> On OE5RTL it seems to me that most of the time gets lost trying to
find a transmit mode. But I do not really know, it's so slow that I do
not really know what is happening. Even when reconnecting, the system
tries to catch up for hours without any result.

Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/

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