[projectaon] book 27 issues

  • From: McSwain LeRoy <simonaamanarfan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <projectaon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 23:38:00 -0500

fellow kai lords,

happy new year and here is the list i compiled while enjoying 'vampirium'.

(tssf)  First Order of the Kai were => ? First Order of the Kai was
(tssf)  chosen his time wall => chosen his time well
(tssf)  Autarch's squad were returning => ? Autarch's squad was returning
(tssf)  For the greater glow of Sommerlund and the Kai => ? For the greater 
glory of Sommerlund and the Kai
(rules) If you have successfully completed either of the previous adventures in 
the Lone Wolf New Order series (Books 21-22) => If you have successfully 
completed any of the previous adventures in the Lone Wolf New Order series 
(Books 21-26)
(equip) magical axe, sword, or broadsword => ? magical Axe, Sword, or Broadsword
(equip) (Bows and Arrows)       weapon => ? Weapon
(improv)        windows, etc., to shatter => windows, etc. to shatter
(improv) (sun knight -- grandweaponmastery)     weapon => Weapon
(improv) (sun lord -- grandweaponmastery)       weapon => Weapon (x3)
(improv) (sun lord -- grandweaponmastery)       quarterstaff => Quarterstaff
(improv) (sun lord -- telegnosis)                       Time duration and 
degree of surface difficulty increases => Time duration and degree of surface 
difficulty increase
1       crew attend => crew attends
1       panoply of rolling hills and grasslands pass => panoply of rolling 
hills and grasslands passes
3       of discovery the darkness => of discovery; the darkness
3       the shine has => the shrine has
3       a troop of Bhanarians come => a troop of Bhanarians comes
20      after arriving here => after you arrive here
21      ridged => ridge
45      he will accept 1 Weapon, 3 Gold Crowns, and 1 Backpack Item => (what 
if, for example, you aren't carrying a weapon?)
53      If you possess neither of these skills, or if you them, turn instead to 
choose not to use 164. => (this sounds cool as is ;) but the link is broken)
54      is obscured be => is obscured by
57      loud peeling => ? loud pealing
63      it is a terrifying => ? it is the terrifying
65      leaps your fingertip => leaps from your fingertip
70      fangled head => fanged head (cf.refs.161&210)
70      Breaching a sigh => Breathing a sigh
72      You must now erase from your list of Backpack Items the Claw of Naar => 
You must now erase from your Action Chart the Claw of Naar (claw of naar is a 
special item.)
76      You courageous act => Your courageous act
80      weapons => Weapons
80      talisman that engraved => talisman that is engraved
83      he will accept 1 Weapon, 4 Gold Crowns, and 1 Backpack Item => (what 
if, for example, you aren't carrying a weapon?)
88      shield => ? <i>Shield</i> (as in ref.185)
92      If your total score is now is 4 or lower => (one 'is' is redundant.)
94      including => ? as well as
96      net of thousand wrinkles => net of a thousand wrinkles
109     muscular backs, they possess four => muscular backs; they possess four
111     Paralysed be => Paralysed by
112     group are => group is
112     this élite unit of bodyguards have => this élite unit of bodyguards has
116     take hold the blanket roll => take hold of the blanket roll (cf.158)
131     You must now erase half of all the Arrows you carry, rounding the 
figure up to the nearest whole number where appropriate. => (are you to round 
up the half that you subtract or the total number of arrows that you carry?)
155     and you are forced to head south in search of firmer terrain => ? and 
you are forced to head north in search of firmer terrain (south would be 
towards the sea)
159     per rider, that's 20 => per rider; that's 20
160     pain of downing => pain of drowning
186     have found who => have found whom
199     the creature's head => the leading creature's head (the specific target 
has not yet been stated)
211     startled be => startled by
216     deflected be => deflected by
219     forward => ? forwards
225     ask a favour?’ Rimoah nods => ? ask a favour?’ (paragraph break) Rimoah 
227     a box of provision => ? a box of provisions
230     If you possess the Kai Weapon ‘Magnara’ => (you can't get here with 
239     you possess a Bow, and wishes => you possess a Bow, and wish
240     squad have recovered => squad has recovered
245     spawned be => spawned by
253     All four of your Arrows find their mark => ? All four of your Arrows 
find their marks
256     closed shop dollars => ? closed shop doorways
271     and wishes to use it => and wish to use it
273     gust of ale-soaked air and the jingle of bells interrupts => gust of 
ale-soaked air and the jingle of bells interrupt
273     blocked be => blocked by
281     the sorcerers woman => ? the sorcererous woman
287     and then turn him => and then turn them
294     weapons => Weapons
294     troop of crossbowmen arrive and form => troop of crossbowmen arrives 
and forms
298     soldier's mess hall => soldiers' mess hall
302     horde of winged creatures circle and dive => horde of winged creatures 
circles and dives
302     the squad of Imperial Guards catch sight => the squad of Imperial 
Guards catches sight
304     with the other => with the others
306     the patrol are => the patrol is
318     If you have attained the Kai rank of Sun Lord, turn to 49. => (this 
assumes that you have grand huntmastery, but it is possible to arrive here 
using grand pathsmanship instead)
325     axe => Axe
326     a handful of the Bhanarians leave the fight at the archway and come => 
a handful of the Bhanarians leaves the fight at the archway and comes
334     enemy squad are => enemy squad is (cf318)
330     the onrushing creature => the leader of the onrushing creatures
338     speed of his movements increase => speed of his movements increases
341     forced to head south in search of firmer terrain => ? forced to head 
north in search of firmer terrain
342     in the middle track => in the middle of the track
344     and rolls away => ? and he rolls away (the burning bit of wood is still 
on the claw for you to jab it at the autarch again)
345     you whisper, ‘I will => you whisper. ‘I will
349     awhile => ? a while
(errata)        (243) Removed paragraph break between ‘Random Number Table.’ 
with ‘If you possess’. => (243) Removed paragraph break between ‘Random Number 
Table.’ and ‘If you possess’.
(ill 7) a group of creatures speed => a group of creatures speeds

for sommerlund and the kai,

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