RE: SSIP for Windows -- beta almost ready for release

  • From: Jamal Mazrui <empower@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 14:31:07 -0500 (EST)

Jay and others,
Unlike JAWS and Window-Eyes, System Access currently requires that a DLL
be distributed with the application that uses its API.  Matt, the
developer of SA, emailed me an archive with the DLL and documentation.  He
said I could redistribute it, so I have just posted it at

Basically, the DLL is a Win32 standard one, rather than COM server, with
functions to test whether SA is running and to make it speak either ANSI
or Unicode strings.  The EdSharp source code contains C# wrappers, but I
am also posting two relevant classes below that I developed for speech and
COM routines generally.  Note that the code has some dependencies on other
custom routines and that intermittent lines are commented out as I
debugged issues.  I assume someone else would adapt the code to their own
program and coding style.  If you have questions, however, let me know.


class Voice {

public static string GetJfwDir() {
RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine;
string sSubKey = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\";
string sName = "Path";
string sPath = Sys.GetRegString(key, (sSubKey + "jfw.exe"), sName);

if (sPath == "") {
string[] sVersions = {"91", "90", "81", "80", "8", "71", "70", "7", "62",
"61", "60", "6"};
sName = "";
foreach (string sVersion in sVersions) {
sPath = Sys.GetRegString(key, (sSubKey + "jaws" + sVersion + ".exe"),
if (sPath != "") {
sPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(sPath);
//if (sPath !="" && !sPath.EndsWith(@"\")) sPath = String.Concat(sPath,
sPath = sPath.TrimEnd('\\');
return sPath;
} // GetJfwDir method

public static string GetWEDir() {
RegistryKey key = Registry.LocalMachine;
string sSubKey = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App
string sName = "Path";
string sPath = Sys.GetRegString(key, sSubKey, sName);
if (sPath !="" && !sPath.EndsWith(@"\")) sPath = String.Concat(sPath,
return sPath;
} // GetWEDir method

static extern bool SystemParametersInfo(int iAction, int iParam, out bool
bActive, int iUpdate);
public static bool IsScreenReaderActive() {
int iAction = 70; // SPI_GETSCREENREADER constant;
int iParam = 0;
bool bActive;
int iUpdate = 0;
bool bReturn = SystemParametersInfo(iAction, iParam, out bActive,
return bReturn && bActive;
} // IsScreenReaderActive method

public static bool IsJAWSActive(){
string sClass = "JFWUI2";
string sTitle = "JAWS";
return (int) Sys.FindWindow(sClass, sTitle) != 0;
} // IsJAWSActive method

public static bool IsWinEyesActive(){
//string sClass = "AfxFrameOrView42";
string sTitle = "Window-Eyes";
//return (int) FindWindow(sClass, sTitle) != 0;
int iClass = 0;
return (int) Sys.FindWindow(iClass, sTitle) != 0;
} // IsWinEyesActive method

public static extern int JFWSayString(string sText, int iInterrupt);

public static bool JFWSay(string sText) {
try {
return JFWSayString(sText, 0) == 1;
catch {
return false;
} // JFWSay method

public static extern int SA_IsRunning();

public static bool IsSAActive() {
try {
return SA_IsRunning() == 1;
catch {
return false;
} // IsSAActive method

public static extern int SA_SayU(string sText);

public static bool SASay(string sText) {
try {
return SA_SayU(sText) == 1;
catch {
return false;
} // SASay method

public static bool Say(object oText) {
string sText = oText.ToString();
if (sText.Trim().Length == 0) sText = "Blank";
if (!App.ExtraSpeech) {
Sys.StringAppend2FileU(sText + "\r\n", App.SpeechLog);
return false;

if (Voice.JFWSay(sText)) return true;
else if (Voice.SASay(sText)) return true;
else if (Voice.WESay(sText)) return true;
//else if (Voice.SAPISay(sText)) return true;
else return false;
} // Say method

public static bool WESay(string sText) {
//object oWE = null;
//return WESay(sText, ref oWE);
return WESay(sText, ref App.Wineyes);
} // WESay method

public static bool WESay(string sText, ref object oWE) {
//if ((int) Sys.FindWindow(0, "Window-Eyes") == 0) return false;
//don't even check since last resort
//if (!Sys.IsWinEyesActive()) return false;

try {
if (oWE == null) oWE = Com.CreateObject("GwSpeak.Speak");
Com.CallMethod(oWE, "SpeakString", sText);
return true;
catch {
return false;
} // WESay method

public static bool SAPISay(string sText) {
object oSAPI = null;
return SAPISay(sText, oSAPI);
} // SAPISay method

public static bool SAPISay(string sText, object oSAPI) {
try {
if (oSAPI == null) oSAPI = Com.CreateObject("SAPI.SPVoice");
Com.CallMethod(oSAPI, "Speak", sText);
return true;
catch {
return false;
} // SAPISay method

} // Voice class

public class Com {

public static object CreateObject(string sProgID) {
Type t = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(sProgID);
object oResult = Activator.CreateInstance(t);
return oResult;
} // CreateObject method

public static object GetObject(string sProgID) {
object oResult = Interaction.GetObject(null, sProgID);
return oResult;
} // GetObject method

public static object GetOrCreateObject(string sProgID, out bool bCreate,
string sMessage) {
object oResult;
try {
oResult = GetObject(sProgID);
bCreate = false;
catch {
oResult = CreateObject(sProgID);
bCreate = true;
return oResult;
} // GetOrCreateObject method

public static object CallMethod(object o, string sMethod) {
object[] args = {};
return CallMethod(o, sMethod, args);
} // CallMethod method

public static object CallMethod(object o, string sMethod, string sValue) {
object[] args = {sValue};
return CallMethod(o, sMethod, args);
} // CallMethod method

public static object CallMethod(object o, string sMethod, int iValue) {
object[] args = {iValue};
return CallMethod(o, sMethod, args);
} // CallMethod method

public static object CallMethod(object o, string sMethod, object[] args) {
Type t = o.GetType();
object oResult = t.InvokeMember(sMethod, BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null,
o, args);
return oResult;
} // CallMethod method

public static object SetProperty(object o, string sProperty, string
sValue) {
object[] args = {sValue};
return SetProperty(o, sProperty, args);
} // SetProperty method

public static object SetProperty(object o, string sProperty, int iValue) {
object[] args = {iValue};
return SetProperty(o, sProperty, args);
} // SetProperty method

public static object SetProperty(object o, string sProperty, bool bValue)
object[] args = {bValue};
return SetProperty(o, sProperty, args);
} // SetProperty method

public static object SetProperty(object o, string sProperty, object[]
args) {
Type t = o.GetType();
object oResult = t.InvokeMember(sProperty, BindingFlags.SetProperty, null,
o, args);
return oResult;
} // SetProperty method

public static object GetProperty(object o, string sProperty) {
object[] args = new object[] {};
return GetProperty(o, sProperty, args);
} // GetProperty method

public static object GetProperty(object o, string sProperty, object[]
args) {
Type t = o.GetType();
object oResult = t.InvokeMember(sProperty, BindingFlags.GetProperty, null,
o, args);
return oResult;
} // GetProperty method

public static void Release(ref object o) {
o = null;
} // Release method

} // Com class

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