[pr0k] Re: gah

  • From: Andy Burrows <Andy.Burrows@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'pr0k@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <pr0k@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 16:03:31 +0100

> Most people's lives and careers are fuelled by greed. How are you
> different?

On a serious note, my life and career are not fuelled out of greed.  I work
because I have to work, and not to horde money or get more, but just to get
enough to pay for food and pay off my loans and stuff.

Even if I had money to hoarde over, it wouldn't be the reason *why* I was
working, it would merely be a fortunate side-product.

There's things I'd rather do than work, and I would if I wasn't trapped by

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