-=PCTechTalk=- Re: Hotmail

  • From: ~OoO~ <SirTroth@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pctechtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 08:56:48 -0500

No difference. Its the same thing. Why they list both options, I don't 
know. But a lot of these webmails have both options listed.


Harold B. said the following on 2/8/2006 6:01 AM:

>Hello again,
>I've asked around and haven't gotten a clear answer on this one. Anyone 
>using Hotmail knows that you can designate any email entering the inbox as 
>"Junk" mail. When ready to empty the "Junk mail" folder, you have a choice 
>of "emptying" or "deleting" ... anyone know what the difference is? And 
>which should I use if not wanting to see that junk mail again ... Harold
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