[passtartoursgroup] Re: Questions about Lumi Events + then about Mary's event Oct 17

  • From: "insanas" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "insanas@xxxxxxx" for DMARC)
  • To: starstuff@xxxxxxxxx, Star Tours Group <passtartoursgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2015 11:58:03 -0700

Terri, your method of doing luminaria sign ups seems fair. As far as Mary's
star party, as you go down the rotation list see if anyone can bring solar, if
not maybe go to the next person in line who has solar.Take care, Sam

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Terri <starstuff@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 07/22/2015 11:30 AM (GMT-07:00)
To: Star Tours Group <passtartoursgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [passtartoursgroup] Questions about Lumi Events + then about Mary's
event Oct 17

Good morning Star Tours Group Members,
I have had a few questions about how we are doing the Lumi events for DBG this
year, and I thought I'd answer all the questions in one email.
So, the number 1 question on a few of your minds is: Are we using the Rotation
There are way more events than there are scopes to fill the events, so here is
what I had in mind.
Sign ups are open to anyone in the Star Tours group (this is for the Lumi
events only) who has returned their 6 questions to me, made sure they are up to
date with their W-9 on file, and has been approved to be part of the Lumi Team.
How do you know if you are approved to be on the team?  I have created a page,
actually 2 of them, that tracks what events you might be involved in. But in
short, if you are on this list, you are approved (unless I didn't get your 6
questions, yet (emails went out yesterday about this)). 
I have:
Terry D - waiting on QuestionsDon BSam I William FTerri FStorm S (as
Runner)Kevin WBruce WHoward MPete TRick C  - waiting on QuestionsRoger A -
waiting on QuestionsDewell H  - waiting on QuestionsMike M - Meteorites
If nothing follows your name, you are approved.Now, there are other members of
the Star Tours team who are receiving this email, who are not on the Lumi Team
because they declined doing the events. That's fine. Not every event is for
every Team member. 
So, what this tells me is that we have (bolded) 11 scopes  (if all members
above become approved to do the Lumi events) and 24 dates in which we need a
minimum of 4 scopes signed up for each date. That's a lot of dates to cover. 
So, what we are doing is, those who want to do the Lumi Events are now being
given sign up dates. I open up every Tuesday and Thursday for the next month or
so, as sign up dates, in which a member from the list above may sign up on one
Lumi Date on Tuesday or today, and then another Lumi date on Thurs, Fri, Sat,
Sun or Monday. So, by the time next Tuesday July 28 gets here, everyone who
wants a Lumi event, will have only 2 Lumi events signed up for. 
So, what's the difference in doing it this way, over doing it through the
rotation list? The rotation list takes too long. If you look at it:
Eric Steinberg *
Terry Dancer *
Don Boyd
Earl DeLong
Sam Insana
William Finch
Kevin Witts
Bruce Wurst
Howard Moneta
Pete Turner
Rick Cunningham 
Roger Anzini

​I would have to email each person on the rotation list, up to a certain amount
of scopes, each day, and allow the member 24 hours to sign up before asking the
next set of members to do the same. So, for the Lumi events, we are opening up
days and when it gets skimpier on the number of Lumi dates left for sign up,
then I will turn to the Rotation list of approved Lumi Scopes, and offer the
last few days that are open, to those on the list who still want more Lumi
Now, what i'd like to do is keep the list open to all approved scopes for the
Lumi Events, but when you reach your limit and you can no longer take any more
events, drop me an email so I know you are done taking the the events as a Main
scope. Then i will open up some dates for back up Scopes and Runners to pick
And after this week, I might open up one more sign up date. Right now we have
every Tuesday and Thursday. I"m thinking maybe opening up Saturday as well, but
not this week. Let's see how it goes and just watch the forum Thread about it
to see if Saturday opens up as a sign up date as well. We need to fill in all
the main scopes and have no less than 4 scopes signed up for all 24 events. So,
I'm counting on my team to want to take as many events as they can. I know some
of you have holiday

The next thing we are going to do is keep a tally of who got paid, as we go
along. So, I don't know if you​ want to know this info, but i will be posting
it in this document.. which tracks who is doing what, on what day and once it
is filled in, we can print it and use it to know the schedule, plus who got
paid, such as If PAS received the check, and then disbursed the monies to the
Team Members, and how much, etc.  
Another file of interest is here, where i have a chart of who is on what day
providing which scope, or Running or what ever, and i will be updating it as we
do the events, as well, so tracking what we did, when, works smoothly. I
appreciate everyone's help in keeping track of everything having to do with the
Lumi events. http://www.pasaz.org/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=257

So, let me also give you one more piece of info. Since the limit is one Lumi
date per sign up day, and the first sign up day is Tuesday morning at 12:01am
to Thursday night at 11:59pm, if you miss the sign up day and know you are
allowed to have 2 days at the current time, when you sign up, feel free to take
2 days. You don't have to meet the deadline but if you had specific dates you
wanted to take and missed the sign up, take them. So, by tonight, Wednesday
July 22, you will have one Lumi Date chosen, if you want one. And if you wait,
you can choose two dates, if you miss tonight's deadline. All we are doing is
stopping those who can take every date, from taking all the dates at one time.
Someone told me last year, it wasn't fair how we did the sign ups, and so i
asked several members on how to do it this year, and they said give them a
minimum of 2 days to sign up for each date in case someone can't get to the
computer or thru their cell phone to sign up by a particular day. So, this just
helps everyone sign up for one Lumi event at a time. The advantage to signing
up for your  1 Lumi event in the assigned sign up time is that you get the date
you wanted to do these events. The disadvantage is that Nov 27 is already
filled up with 4 scopes. So, if that was one of your dates and you didn't get
in there to sign up to do it, you missed out on that date, as an example. 
I hope this answered the question about the Rotation list. It would take way
too long to ask certain people to pick a date and then wait, and pick another,
so in stead, i open it up to the whole approved Lumi Team of scopes, pick your
dates on the assigned sign up days and when we get closer to having most days
filled, I may use the rotation list at that time. But right now, we have more
events than we have scopes to fill. So, everyone on the approved Lumi list,
please pick your first Lumi date. And sign up through the calendar. I can't do
it for you. You have to do it on the calendar so there is a record that you
signed up for the event. 
Everyone have a spectacular day.If you are supposed to be on one of the lists
above, please let me know that i forgot to have you included (the Rotation list
or the Approved Lumi scopes). I don't want to leave anyone out who wants to be
Let's shift gears for a moment... I have some paid events I will be posting
soon. Those will be on the rotation list. Right now, the rotation list does not
become affected by the Lumi Events. That may happen at the end when i figure
out who took th most events and maybe move them to the bottom of the list. I
haven't decided if i want to do that or just not have the Lumi events work off
the rotation list. I will have to see how it goes. So, for now, the Luminaria
events are NOT considered on the the Rotation list. When / if they become on
the list, I will let you know. 
But, for Mary's event, we will need to use the Rotation list. I will be working
on that event this week and next, and will start sign ups. The way the rotation
list works is...Let's say we need 6 scopes. If i'm doing the event, I am one of
the 6 scopes. I don't count on the rotation list. So, that means we need 5 more
scopes. That's when the list becomes active. I contact the first 5 scopes on
the rotation list, give them 2 days or so to sign up to do the event, and then
see how many openings there are left after the 2 days (or what ever day i pick
as the deadline) and open it up to the next scope (s) I need to fill the event.
So, for Mary's event, I believe she has 6 of us total attending, so Mike and I
are 2 of the 6, so the first 4 members on the Rotation list will get an email
asking if they want to do the event, and they will be given 2 or 3 days to sign
up or not. If they sign up, they go to the bottom of the rotation list, plus do
the event. Mary's event has the all black dress code and name badge. If you
can't meet that requirement, please do not sign up to do this event. The pay
from Mary's event is not a good hourly rate, but she is feeding us, and she
wants solar. Which  also has it's perks, as i need someone with solar to
attend, if I can't do solar that day. 1 or 2 solar scopes, different scopes,
like a filter on a scope and a PST to show different stuff, would be best. I
will see how i want to do this. Maybe put the solar people on the list a
different way, on the rotation list. Maybe mark them with solar abilities which
would bump them to the top of the list when needed. Any suggestions on how we
should do this, the solar part of the event, for the rotation list? 
Wishing everyone a super, astronomical Wednesday!Terri, Event Manager
Any questions about the Lumi events, send them my way so i can answer them to
the Team.

Good friends are like stars. You don't always
see them, but you always know they are there.
Terri Phoenix Astronomical Society Event Manager
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