Re: semi OT - Anonymous authentication against AD using DBMS_LDAP

  • From: Bill Ferguson <wbfergus@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: cicciuxdba@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 06:23:52 -0700

I'm authenticating against our AD for my APEX apps. I don't have OID
or any of that other, expensive stuff, so I use a similar routine.
Once I query AD, I grab whatever information is there and store it in
a collection, and then I parse the collection for the 'MemberOf'
enties. I actually setup groups in AD for my different types of users,
so once I figure out which group they belong in, then I login them
into APEX with those permissions. The hardest part of the whole thing,
since I knew absolutely nothing about AD prior to this (and I barely
know a little more now), was that when I authenticated the user, I had
to specify (pre-pend), the domain to their SAMAccountName, so it was
'domain/SAMAccountName'. After I figured that part out, the rest
worked smoothly.

Not sure if this is the same problem you're running into, but maybe it helps.

-- Bill Ferguson

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