how do you decide your db_cache_size

  • From: "Michael McMullen" <ganstadba@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 12:20:19 -0400

In reference to Buffer Cache hit very low I should have said keep the SGA
below 2GB but I'm standing by enlarging the buffer cache. I never said it
would help the BCHR. I'm a firm believer in method R and I don't live in
Kittrell NC but to exaggerate to make a point what if your buffer cache is
1Mb? Do you still say figure out your bad sql? No, you increase it, then
work on the bad sql. Personally, I think an 250Mb  cache size for a 40Gb
database doing large batch jobs is too small and really the db_cache_size
would be lower as I think that was referring to total SGA.
Now, I have one db/server - 17 databases only one 64Bit. Databases are all >
100Gb. I set up a new database on 32bit, automatic 1700Mb db_cache_size. To
be honest. We have a corporate wide licence for oracle and it's always been
easy to get hardware. Hard to get people though. So though whole scoping
thing never happens.
So how do you all decide your db_cache_size?


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