Re: cursor: pin S wait on X

  • From: kyle Hailey <kylelf@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Joel.Patterson@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 13:22:51 -0800

There are a few bugs and if you hit one where the mutex isn't released then
it's nice to know how to kill the holder, if need be:

think it was Connie Green that showed me this:

• If a session is waiting on the wait event ‘cursor: pin S wait on X’, the
session is most likely trying to execute a cursor (pin S), and must wait as
another session (who is most likely parsing the cursor) has it pinned X
(wait on X)
• v$session.p1 can be used to compare with
• Example v$session data (64 bit platform), from an instance where the mutex
holder was hung due to a bug not related to mutexes, causing requestors to
back up behind the holder:

select p1, p2raw, count(*)
  from v$session
 where event = ‘cursor: pin S wait on X’
   and wait_time = 0
 group by p1, p2;
                 P1  P2RAW            COUNT(*)
         ----------  ---------------- --------
         2700259466  0000139700000000        9
         <Mutex Id>  <   SId><RefCnt>

As you can see, 9 sessions were waiting for Session Id 0x1397, which was
holding exclusive  the Mutex with the Id 2700259466.  The Ref Count is zero,
as we would expect.  The 9 sessions are waiting to execute the cursor
protected by mutex Id 2700259466.

To find the blocking session, use the top bytes of v$session.p2raw e.g. the
top bytes of p2raw is the blocker 0x00001397 which when converted to
decimal, is session Id 5015.

On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 11:26 AM, <Joel.Patterson@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>  This question is somewhat associated with my lsuosstats global area latch
> question recently posted.
> We were running a load test and so many of the queries where probably doing
> the exact same thing.   So the event “cursor: pin S wait on X” which bubbled
> to the top.
> From Tanel Poders web site:  “A mutex differs from a latch in that there
> would be many more requestors backed up on a latch, whereas a mutex in this
> case protects just one cursor.”
> Since this was a test, I am assuming that this is nothing to be concerned
> about now, but if I were to become concerned about it, does anyone know how
> they could approach this event specifically?   Is there anything we can do
> about it now – because we are testing?
>  Joel Patterson
> Database Administrator
> 904 727-2546

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