Re: best way to convert from unix to linux

  • From: TESTAJ3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: DHayden@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 25 May 2012 07:37:21 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
So the answer about goldengate.

You still will need the initial build, so you could

1.  start goldengate to start capturing all transactions on your database 
right now.
2.  export your data
3.  import to new database.
4., play goldengate transactions files to catch up the newly created 
database with everything thats happened since the export was done.

Step 1-4 could be done today.  Since goldengate is capturing all of the 
transactions and will continue playing them in the new database, when 
you're ready for cutover, stop old database(ie: shutdown), let goldengate 
play last transactions on new database.   when its all caught up, your new 
database is ready for production use.

that was the REALLY high level idea of how it works.

Goldengate is a separate licensed product.


Dustin Hayden <DHayden@xxxxxxxxxx>
"oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
05/25/2012 07:15 AM
best way to convert from unix to linux
Sent by:

I have a 3TB database that needs to be moved from hp-ux to linux.
I need to know the fastest way to do this.
Tried doing a datapump export (parallel 6) and it took over 36 hours which 
is too long.
Really need to be able to this is in under 24 hours.

Can anything be done with any kind of replication or rman?
Keep in mind there is a page layout issue going from unix to linux.




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