RE: Tbs READ ONLY and Snapshot too old

  • From: "Singer, Phillip (P.W.)" <psinger1@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 09:22:29 -0400

As a test, (if the OP is still reading, and my time sequence is spot on), try
computing all statistics on all objects in the tablespace (not estimate, full
compute).  This will visit every block on all tables and indexes (if any are
in the tablespace) and should clean out all the blocks.

[BL] Much easier to simply do "select max(column)..." on an un-indexed column 
to cause FTS to cause cleanouts. Statistics is a bit of an overkill.

[PWS] Have tried that.  Didn't work.  Turned out that Oracle was using an index 
to supply the needed info for one step in its execution plan, and _those_ were 
the blocks which needed to be cleaned out.  So I went into overkill mode.

As I mentioned when I first jumped into this converation, I've been running 
into this off and on for better than 7 years.  If there is a better way to 
prevent it I would love to hear about it (corporate policy makes the obvious 
solution (buy enough disk to size the undo to handle any possible situation) 

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