RE: Query RMAN Repository

  • From: "Herring Dave - dherri" <Dave.Herring@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <yoursraju007@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 18:03:51 -0600


All our RMAN backups make a call to a shell script which sets a few
variables, then executes the following script, which saves stats from
the backup in our stats repository:

INSERT INTO perfstat.stats_rman_backup_summ_tb
SELECT '$ORACLE_SID', bp1.tag, bs.backup_type, bp1.bkup_start_time,
     , bp1.elapsed_minutes, bp1.total_pieces, bp1.tape_count,
bp1.total_gb, bp1.avg_mb_transfer_rate_per_sec
  FROM (SELECT bp.tag
             , MAX(bp.set_count) KEEP (DENSE_RANK last ORDER BY
bp.start_time) set_count
             , MAX(bp.set_stamp) KEEP (DENSE_RANK last ORDER BY
bp.start_time) set_stamp
             , MIN(bp.start_time) bkup_start_time
             , MAX(bp.completion_time) bkup_completion_time
             , COUNT(*) total_pieces
             , (MAX(bp.completion_time) - MIN(bp.start_time)) * 1440
             , COUNT(DISTINCT tape_count
             , SUM(bsi.bytes) / 1073741824 total_gb
             , (AVG(bsi.effective_bytes_per_second)) / 1048576
          FROM v\$backup_piece@${ORACLE_SID}_dbl bp
             , (SELECT set_count, set_stamp, bytes,
                  FROM v\$backup_sync_io@${ORACLE_SID}_dbl
                 WHERE type = 'OUTPUT'
                       UNION ALL
                SELECT set_count, set_stamp, bytes,
                  FROM v\$backup_async_io@${ORACLE_SID}_dbl
                 WHERE type = 'OUTPUT') bsi
         WHERE bp.start_time >= sysdate - $IN_MODE_DAYS
           AND bp.tag LIKE 'TAG%T%'
           AND (    bp.set_count = bsi.set_count
                AND bp.set_stamp = bsi.set_stamp)
         GROUP BY bp.tag) bp1
     , v\$backup_set@${ORACLE_SID}_dbl bs
 WHERE bp1.set_count = bs.set_count
   AND bp1.set_stamp = bs.set_stamp
                     FROM perfstat.stats_rman_backup_summ_tb srb2
                    WHERE srb2.tag = bp1.tag
                      AND srb2.database_name = '$ORACLE_SID');



Dave Herring, DBA |   A c x i o m  M I C S / C S O

630-944-4762 office | 630-430-5988 wireless | 630-944-4989 fax

On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Raj Mareddi <yoursraju007@xxxxxxxxx>
> I am trying to find out file size, name as of date/ sequence number.
> example, I want to know what the datafile sizes last month were
(Assume that
> RMAN backup is taken everyday).
> I found the following tables interesting but they are not documented.
> rc_datafile , offr
> Any ideas ?
> Thanks.
> --
> !!! In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream
> wins - not through strength, but through persistence.  -Buddha !!!!

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