Re: Oracle IT Modernization

  • From: "Niall Litchfield" <niall.litchfield@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: dbvision@xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 09:31:28 +0000

It's an existing phrase and not so much marketing as management consultancy
speak (value that how you will). It is especially popular in the UK in the
public sector - though of course it has been borrowed extensively from the
private sector. People who want to modernize their IT (or HR or Finance
or... ) operations will also likely speak of making it fit for purpose and
(in the public sector) citizen centered. It's a crying shame really that so
many people over the years have spent so much time making their
organisations unfit by adopting ancient technology in order to be
self-indulgent :(

On 10/31/06, Nuno Souto <dbvision@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Gints Plivna wrote,on my timestamp of 31/10/2006 10:23 AM:

> I wonder whether Modernization will become a new buzzword - see more
> Anyway from now on if you want to rewrite something or just throw
> something away you can call it modernization :) I'm rather sure
> management will accept modernization much better than rewriting
> anything or throwing anything away :)

right up there with "refactoring" for total
deranged nonsense value...

and probably the "next big thing",
or the "new black".

or some other equally idiotic expression
conceived by pea brain marketeers to
convince damagers with an even smaller
brain to part with the moolah they've been
"saving" by outsourcing and offshoring...

As MAD magazine would say: What, me worry? Narh!

Nuno Souto

Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA

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