Re: Korn shell function paramter passing

  • From: "Radoulov, Dimitre" <cichomitiko@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Joel.Patterson@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 15:44:31 +0200

Joel.Patterson@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Now I don’t need to return SUBJECT at all, or pass it to cleanup, (expected behavior). But it seems as though this is defeating the my original purpose of using subroutines, (kind of) … I was trying when possible to call any function with tee ( function | tee –a $logfile) and avoid doing that with each printf statement or continuously calling my printmessage routine.

Calling the function and piping through tee works of coursce except when you want to parameterize or pass variables back and forth. It is at this point where my idea could use a little tweaking from others that have more experience redirecting the various streams, ie &1, &2, &3, &4, etc.

Could you post a small script that illustrates your problem?




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