RE: Debug DDL trigger

  • From: "David Wendelken" <davewendelken@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'Oracle-L@Freelists. Org (E-mail)'" <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 17:39:37 -0400

I'm guessing ora_dict_obj_type is a column in dherri.schema?
If so, you are using row-level data in a statement-level trigger.
You need to add the magic words that turn the trigger into a row level
It's "for each row" or words to that effect.  You'll find the exact syntax
in the manual.
Here's the trigger's text:


CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER sys.cp_tab_before_drop_btg

   BEFORE drop ON dherri.SCHEMA

      WHEN (    ora_dict_obj_type = 'TABLE'

            AND (   ora_dict_obj_name LIKE 'SCORE\_ACCT\_TB\_%' ESCAPE '\'




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