RE: AW: Query on Linux 'top' command for oracle user

  • From: "Herring Dave - dherri" <Dave.Herring@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <yong321@xxxxxxxxx>, <karlarao@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2010 09:47:33 -0600

I know this thread is old, but I finally got around to reviewing it and I 
thought I'd share a tip related to it, at least under Linux bash.  Having to 
lookup each pid with "ps ... -p <pid>..." is pretty slow, so I changed it 
around to be one long stream, then through the commands into 1 script to 
quickly get total memory used and the top 10 memory users:

USER=<oracle schema>
PASS=<automated lookup of schema pass>
EXIT" | sqlplus -s /nolog | grep "^Total System" | awk '{print $5}'`

# get the RSS (which is in KB) for each Oracle-owned process and remove 
SGA-shared space.

echo -n "Total memory used by $ORACLE_SID database processes: "
ps -u oracle -o rss,cmd | grep $ORACLE_SID | grep -vE '(PID|grep)' | sed -e 
's/^ *//' | awk '{SUMRSS+=($1-SGA)} END {print SUMRSS/1048576"GB\n"}' SGA=$SGA

echo "Top 10 by memory"
echo "PID   MB   COMMAND"
ps -u oracle -o pid,rss,cmd | grep $ORACLE_SID | grep -v grep | awk 
'{printf("%-5s %-4d %s\n", $1, ($2-SGA)/1024, $3)}' SGA=$SGA | sort -nr -k2,2 | 
head -10

Acxiom Corporation
EML   dave.herring@xxxxxxxxxx
TEL   630.944.4762
MBL   630.430.5988 
1501 Opus Pl, Downers Grove, IL 60515, USA

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-----Original Message-----
From: oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:oracle-l-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On 
Behalf Of Yong Huang
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 12:08 PM
To: karlarao@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: AW: Query on Linux 'top' command for oracle user

> Yes too bad it's not available on <RHEL5,

I don't know if this command can help you:

#Red Hat 4, sum of Oracle $ORACLE_SID instance process resident memory 
(supposedly private)
SGA=<number from `show sga' sqlplus command>
(for i in `ps -fu oracle | grep $ORACLE_SID | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`; 
do  echo "`ps -orss= -p $i`*1024-$SGA" | bc; done) | awk '{sumrss+=$1} END 
{print sumrss}'

If the above is messed up, go to

> the same way I'm feeling  for iotop here 
> which is a very useful tool

For older Linux, just use atop:

I thought iotop was written by Guillaume Chazarain at
But maybe they somehow work together.

Ever since kernel 2.6.18-164 added /proc/<pid>/io, it's a simple matter 
of reading and sorting. Even I can write a program to do it, called topio:
and it's just two simple Perl scripts. No RPM is needed. Slightly before 
kernel 2.6.18-164, you may be able to have /proc/<pid>/io by configuring 
TASK_DELAY_ACCT and TASK_IO_ACCOUNTING in kernel and rebuild.

Yong Huang



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