[opendtv] News: Dems Walk A Dangerous Path With Anti-Kerry-Film Complaint

  • From: Craig Birkmaier <craig@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: OpenDTV Mail List <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 07:15:22 -0400

Via Shoptalk

Dems Walk A Dangerous Path With Anti-Kerry-Film Complaint
Collin Levey
Seattle Times editorial columnist

The late Chief Justice Warren Burger once remarked that "free speech 
carries with it some freedom to listen." And, he might have added, 
the freedom not to.

That would be a good thought for the Democrats to chew on this week, 
before they say some things they might regret. This is an election 
season after all, and fuses are predictably short. But when 18 of 
them, including Ted Kennedy, Dianne Feinstein and Patty Murray 
decided to file complaints with the FEC and the FCC to stop the 
airing of an anti-John Kerry film, some people got goose bumps.

The issue, Democrats say, is that Sinclair Broadcasting, owner of 62 
stations, would violate the McCain-Feingold campaign-finance laws 
governing this election. The film, preempting normal programming, 
would supposedly amount to a contribution to the George Bush 
campaign. FCC Commissioner Michael Copps called the move a betrayal 
of the public trust that networks are given along with their portion 
of the spectrum. The government, ergo, should step in to control the 
editorial content offered by news stations.

This is a very dangerous path to wander along, even if you do have 
bread crumbs. If we decide that campaign-finance laws may have a veto 
over what Americans may or may not see during their evening news 
hour, where exactly do we draw the line? If political shows, say, 
Rush Limbaugh or Air America Radio or "The O'Reilly Factor" - are 
quantified as partisan, could they too amount to political 
contributions from their respective broadcasters?

We've seen two very different philosophies in play on this issue 
recently. With the release of the anti-Bush film "Fahrenheit 9/11," 
Republicans ranted and raved and called the film a sack of lies and 
filmmaker Michael Moore a commie propagandist, sure. But they never 
even hinted that his right to produce it, or Americans' right to see 
it, should be proscribed.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe and the 
Democrats have lamely defended their position on the distinction that 
people had a choice whether or not to see "Fahrenheit" and they had 
to pay for it. "Stolen Honor," by contrast, will automatically appear 
on their televisions, and for free!

With apologies for the remedial observation, broadcast networks and 
movies in the theaters operate on two different business models, 
network programs are "free" because the broadcasters make their money 
from commercials, while moviegoers offer up a direct ticket price. 
The difference between Bob and Harvey Weinstein's model distributing 
the Moore film and that of the Sinclair brothers distributing the 
Kerry film is a market one, not a matter of any relation to the 
government, or campaign-finance law.

Certainly, as any ratings-sweep-obsessed network exec will tell you, 
nothing on television is "compulsory" in the way McAuliffe is 
suggesting. And, far from the era of three network stations 
dominating, vast majorities of Americans now can access hundreds of 
cable or satellite stations from their clicker. Unless Democrats are 
planning to go out and break the thumbs of couch potatoes across the 
land, Sinclair's affiliates will be just one choice, as they are 
every night.

No one is contesting the political agenda of the Sinclair brothers, 
though reasonable people might say the film merits network attention 
on the basis of pure newsworthiness. While Democrats have tried to 
fit the genuine, ancient anger of Vietnam vets against Kerry into the 
matrix of Bush "dirty tricks," any reporter with half a brain should 
have figured out long ago that this is one of the great, novelistic 
themes of the election. What goes around comes around, at least as 
long as anyone who remembers is still living. And it basically has 
nothing to do with Bush.

Anyway, the political biases of the Sinclair family pose no threat to 
American democracy precisely because we have a free media. All 
networks could run slanted news stories but they don't. And why? 
Because the market values objectively reported stories, that's what 
sells, brings advertising and so on.

This column, too, is political opinion, so I'm free to say this: The 
Kerry campaign is desperate to proscribe the film because it 
addresses the most damning and sticky characterization of Kerry, that 
he is an opportunist, as much today as he was back in the Vietnam 
days when he conveniently became an antiwar leader. It is this 
quality that sticks in people's craw: not that he was a mediocre "war 
hero" or whatever other charges were leveled against him, but that he 
is a serial sellout. His inconsistency is calculating, and ultimately 

More politically salient, the Democrats' actions this week have 
undercut large parts of their own campaign-finance arguments, 
including those they had upheld by a divided Supreme Court. To those 
who objected to the stringent reforms on First Amendment grounds, the 
party was vehement that money could be regulated because "money is 
not political speech" and so not worthy of protection.

So tell us, senators, if "Stolen Honor" is not political speech, what 
exactly is it?

They seem to be saying a film documentary is really "money" and thus 
can be regulated. If so, every broadcaster and publisher in the 
country has reason to worry.
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