[openbeos-midi] Re: The first Version of MidiPlayer replacement

  • From: "Michael Phipps" <mphipps1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos-midi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 25 May 2002 13:49:42 -0400

Couple of things...

I no longer add people to CVS, by default. It was just too much work, and, 
frankly, there were too many lurkers.

So if team leads want someone added (i.e. they have taken a quick peek at the 
code from the person), they can ask me to add them. Just give me a SF name. It 
really isn't *that* much work to add a person, but when I was adding 5-8 a 
night, it was really no fun. :-)

MidiPlayer goes with the apps in the new source hierarchy. Are there Jam files 
for it?

>>Hi I have finished the first version of MidiPlayer. Any source can be
>>connected to any destination from MidiKit=3D5F1.
>Excellent work!  Now we'll just have to get you connected into CVS.  There 
>are some instructions on the sourceforge website I believe.  You'll have to 
>make sure to login to the server to create your home directory once... then 
>you should be able to sync all the code to your local environment.
>I'm not exactly sure where this should go in the source tree... anybody have 
>any ideas or comments?
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