[ola] reversion in one second year class

  • From: Cathy Bird <cathy.bird@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: OWL listserv <ola@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 12:22:44 -0700 (MST)

Help! One of my classes has backslid. Since break, they seem to communicate 
exclusively in nouns, not a verb to be heard! I thought I had brought them back 
in gently with games of telephone and rock/paper/scissors that reinforced vocab 
and community. And then I noticed that they are telling stories and thoughts 
and opinions in noun + pantomime form, even when they have the verbs (and i 
mean HAVE the verbs, not just covered the verbs).

Ideas of where to go next? What is missing - a good hook?

Cathy Bird, via iPad

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