Re: [nvda-translations] interest to include Dhivehi translation

  • From: Mesar Hameed <mesar.hameed@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: nvda-translations@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2013 11:20:06 +0100

Dear Abdulla,

Happy new year,

Sorry for the long delay in replying.
Please go to, register a new account/password and send me the 
account name so that I can invite you to the team.
I can invite you directly, but the invitation is only valid for 24 hrs, so this 
way is better.
I will send you followup instructions once the account is created.

Thanks again,
-- Mesar
On Sat 15/12/12,12:08, Abdulla Shuhood wrote:
> Hy,
> I am from Maldives and I want to include Dhivehi as a translation for NVDA.
> could you provide me the details how I can proceed.
> Best Regards,
> Abdulla Shuhood

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