[macvoiceover] Re: More Network Issues

  • From: David Poehlman <david.poehlman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 06:35:32 -0400

this is a network preference issue and noting more complex than that. if you open safari and get a network dissatisfaction page, have a look at the status menu. you are off line because for some reason, usually a network preference setting, your system refused to connect. I have also seen occasions where router settings get jumbled and you have to play with them to get autoconnect to happen.

On Mar 11, 2009, at 2:33 AM, Greg Williams wrote:

Yes, those are the choices I meant; I had a momentary memory lapse between switching from preferences to mail. If "use dhcp" is checked, then I would think that should have taken care of it. As far as saving settingss, when you click on the advanced button for airport and change the dhcp setting under the tcp-ip tab, you should have to click on ok to exit the dialog. Then there is an apply button on the main network which you have to click; this applies the changes you made and saves the settings, so they shouldn't change the next time. If you try to exit without clicking the apply button, it will present you with a dialog saying that you have unsaved changes. To make double sure that the settings won't change without you knowing, you can click the "click the lock to prevent further changes button" which will then force you to authenticate before anything can be changed. If you have "use dhcp" checked, and it says that you are connected to your network in the airport status menu, then I can't see any reason that safari or mail should complain about your connection when you open them, but computers don't always see reason in the same way that I do.
On Mar 10, 2009, at 8:44 PM, Chris Hofstader wrote:

Under the tCP tab, my choice was either "Using DHCP" or "Using DHCP Manually" and the first, which I assume is automatic had been checked. Odddly, no matter how I change the settings, it doesn't seem to stick from one session into the next. Is there something I need to do to save these settings?


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