[lit-ideas] Re: serious question

  • From: Ursula Stange <Ursula@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2006 17:53:55 -0400

Not so much when they're so desperate for warm bodies. Besides, the cold hearts are easier to turn into soldiers. I suspect that it's a bit like screening policemen. You want a little psychopathology for the ordinary cop but not for the officers. Sane handlers for the mad dogs. Or something like that. Ursula

JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx wrote:

Doesn't the military do a psych profile on recruits before admitting them?
I'm thinking of how three soldiers could take turns raping a 14 yr. old, then set her on fire and shoot the rest of the family, including a 5 yr old. One soldier testifying said one of them said, "Hey, let's go kill some Iraqi's."
Julie Krueger

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