[lit-ideas] non-news

  • From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2004 13:07:35 -0400

Japan Nuke Plant Accident Kills 4 People


Has NOTHING to do with nuclear power per se. IT was a steam leak and at NO 
time was anyone in danger from a "nuclear accident" but the PRESS once 
again whips the fervor.

The article concludes:

"A string of safety problems and attempted cover-ups since then has 
undermined public faith in nuclear energy."

Gee, I can't imagine why they would want to cover these accidents up with 
headlines like this.

And then:

"In the most recent before Monday, eight workers were exposed to low-level 
radiation at a power plant in February when they were accidentally sprayed 
with contaminated water. The doses were not considered dangerous."

Definitions people. Definitions.

"Exposed to low-level radiation"? We are all exposed to this EVERY DAY and 
it has nothing to do with man-made nuclear energy.

"Contaminated water"? What does that mean? Did someone pee in the pool?

And then the coup de gravity, "The doses were not considered dangerous." 
Well, I don't know why they report this. I'm beginning to think that 
Michael Moore was partly right on a couple of things he might have said.



Paul Stone
Kingsville, ON, Canada 

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