[lit-ideas] Re: [lit-ideas] Le Pesanteur et la Grâce

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2004 23:56:47 EDT

In a message dated 8/6/2004 11:46:15 PM Eastern Standard Time, Jlsperanza  
>  > "The demonstrable  correlation of opposites is an image of  the
> > transcendental
> > correlation  of  contradictories."

E. Holder writes: 
>I was totally thinking the same thing.
>What Weil must  have in mind is
>Aristotle's Square of  Opposition.  
>It's the Square-of-Opposition-thing.   

Note that Weil seems to be suggesting that 'opposites' are images of  
'contradictories'. In traditional logical terminology, you can have your cake  
eat it) -- there is such a thing as a 'contradictory opposition', as  opposed 
to other types (notably contrary, subcontrary, and subaltern)  opposition. It's 
all in the Square, of course.
"Opposition". OED
 Logic. The relation between two propositions which have the same  subject 
and predicate but differ in quantity or quality, or both.
For  contradictory, contrary, subcontrary, and subaltern  opposition, see the 
first  terms. 

1599 T. BLUNDEVILLE Art of Logicke 67 (heading) 
Of the opposition of  Modals. 
1697 tr. F. Burgersdijck Monitio Logica  I. xxxiii. 128 
True Opposition  afore-mentioned is either Contrariety or Contradiction. 
1788 T Reid Aristotle's  Logic i. §3. 11 
The four kinds of  opposition of terms are explained. 
1813-21 J. Bentham Fragm.  Ontol. in Wks. (1843) VIII.  203 
Subalternation, viz.  logical subalternation, opposition, and connexion, or 
the relation between cause  and effect. 
1860 ABP. W. THOMSON Outl. Laws of  Thought (ed. 5) 148 Opposition of 
Judgments is  the relation between any two which have the same matter, but a 
different form. 
1896 J. G. HIBBEN Logic (1905) xv. 128 In  the discussion concerning the 
opposition of propositions, it was seen that the  truth of the particular does 
imply the truth of the universal. 
1962 W. KNEALE & M. KNEALE Devel. Logic (1984) iv. 182 Galen assumes that 
disjunctive statements should, properly  speaking, involve complete opposition 
the disjuncts. 
1993 A. BROADIE Introd. Medieval Logic vii. 129 Propositions related by 
opposition or equipollence have the same  categorematic terms in the same  

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