[lit-ideas] Re: annual convention

  • From: David Ritchie <ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 23:30:24 -0700

On Sep 24, 2009, at 5:23 PM, cblists@xxxxxxxx wrote:

On 24-Sep-09, at 9:13 AM, David Ritchie wrote:

I report that three members of our subcommittee met this afternoon at the Lake Oswego Inverclunky Distillery and Coffee Shop. I'm happy to add that we worked out all final arrangements and dress code regulations for the Lit-Ideas annual convention, which will be held this year at the Best Western, Easter Island, ballrooms two, three and thing. Please get your reservations in early as rooms fill up fast.

As usual, some panels still need chairs. Send measurements, reasons and ideas, to Prof. I. M. Just, Withouta Soundpiano, N.Y., N.Y. 77723, or co-chair, C. Bruce, Poppover-in-dem Toaster, Longyearningfrom, Scotland-near-Manchester, MC7MU0.

It must be the jet lag. (Or the Inverclunky single malt.) I DO definitely remember agreeing on the penguin suits - but I'm fuzzy on the rest of the arrangements. I thought we'd agreed to a menu of Easter eggs at the Holiday Inn on one of the Sandwich Islands at Christmas. Or was that sandwiches at the Howard Johnson's on Christmas Island at Easter?

And to heck with the chairs - we can eat standing up. Unless it's Christmas pudding at the Best Western on Easter Island after all - that's a sit-down sort of thing ....

C. Bruce
Ordering plenty of black coffee - and
'Up periscope!' - for the sub subcommittee,
back in Kiel, Germany

C. Bruce is confused, possibly by spiders (primary school history/ Scottish joke). The thirty three and a third year Inverclunky single malt will do that to a person. For the duration (porpoises?) of this conference, J.L.S. is in charge of all underwater studies, he having graciously offered not only to lay down the swimming pool library on the sloping shallows of a convenient beach, but also to stage underwater arias for our first evening's entertainment, with canapes and no host bar.

I'm thinking "Das Boot" will not necessary prove, and the cost in diesel alone would be astronomical, but if Chris wants to make the crossing he and the sub will of course be welcomed with some welcomechampagne.

I'm still waiting to hear from those of you who play tennis whether it's worth making an effort to lay out courts for a championship. I think this might be an ideal spot: http://architecture.about.com/od/ greatbuildings/ig/New-Wonders/Easter_Island_peoples.htm

The keynote this year will be by Governor Butch Otter's current favorite writer, Anthony Doerr:

http://gov.idaho.gov/mediacenter/proc/proc07/procjuly/ proc_anthonydoerr.html

The working title is, "Wither Idaho?"

David Ritchie,
Portland, Oregon
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