[lit-ideas] Re: a million little pieces

  • From: "Andy Amago" <aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 23:26:35 -0500

> [Original Message]
> From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: 1/16/2006 10:59:40 PM
> Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: a million little pieces
>  >>Will is not even useful for new year's 
> resolutions.  With addiction it's
> useless.
> Speak for yourself. Will power is very useful in 
> changing all kinds of behavior patterns. In the 
> meantime, as a psychoanalytic sidebar, consider 
> Otto Rank's _Will Therapy_.

I stand by my statement.  Not only does will power not work for addictions,
it doesn't work for much of anything unless the thing undertaken is
relatively pleasant.  Then, when inevitably will power doesn't work, it
makes the person feel double the failure.  Will power is also isolating. 
Can you suggest why new year's resolutions don't work (do people really not
want neat desks, whatever), and how you think willpower does, in your
opinion, work?  

A long time ago I met someone who attended AA (I'm not talking about
myself; I don't drink except recently we have wine once a week with our
movie).  This person was pretty open with me and he told me that there's a
camaraderie, a feeling among AA people that doesn't exist anywhere else. 
He said he can go to any city anywhere, go to an AA meeting and feel
instantly accepted and, I guess, the word might be loved, bonded.  He had
no reason to make this up.  Maybe he was new to it, I don't know.  In any
case, using will power per se is guaranteed failure.

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