[lit-ideas] Re: You don't say.....

  • From: "Mike Geary" <atlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 17:01:20 -0500

Paul Stone:
> 3) I had a furnace problem last September and had to call an HVAC dude 
> (are
> you listening MIKE?) to come and do some work. After futzing around for 3
> hours, he had the problem licked. Just as he was writing up the bill, his
> cell-phone rang and he sat on the steps of MY house talking about someone
> else's job for 12 minutes. After he hung up, he looked at his watch and
> filled in his hours. At 80 dollars an hour, he over-charged me a full 15
> minutes which is 20 dollars of MY money. Now, I complained and got him to
> reduce his bill, but it's the principle of the thing.

Bitch, bitch, bitch.  If it had been me I would have thanked you profusely 
for pointing out the error.  Then I'd have scratched out the twelve minutes, 
re-computed the bill at $100 an hour -- the new rate!!  And thanked you 

He was obviously not a very good technician if he could only get 3 hours out 
of a service call.  And you're telling me he fixed it without selling you a 
new $500 heat exchanger that if you didn't replace that day would probably 
kill you that night with carbon monoxide -- the silent, scentless killer? 
He's a discredit to the profession.

In fact I often get calls from people who've been told that they need a new 
compressor or heat exchanger or a whole new system.  They're embarrassed to 
admit they want a second opinion as if I might take it as a slight against 
my trade.  More often than I'd like to admit, the first company was either 
wrong or was lying.  It's possible, of course, to misdiagnose a problem, but 
I've seen cases where there was simply no freon in the unit and the AC guy 
told them they need a new compressor.  $1000 please instead of $200.  Nice 
work if you can get it.

BTW, I charge $65 an hour US, that's $80.45 Canadian according to my 
calculator.   Gas is getting so expensive that I'm seriously thinking of 
raising my rates to $68 soon ($84.52 Canadian) and I'll still be $3 or $4 
under the big boys.  You don't have to pay it, you know.  You can always 
choose to be hot or cold as the case may be.  I always apologize when I give 
a bill to someone.  Christ, I wouldn't pay that, I keep thinking.  But they 
always do, and gladly.  So strange.

Your complaint about business ethics and Phil's Amen, seem short-sighted to 
me.  Why not celebrate it as the triumph of Capitalism that it is.

Mike Geary
Atlas Air Conditioning Company
Strongest in Knowledge
    Strongest in Service
         Strongest in Jesuitical Ethics

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