[lit-ideas] You don't say.....

  • From: JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 15:01:53 EDT

I've frequently observed this phenomena in individuals -- not celebrities,  
but your every-day cashier, teacher, customer service rep, doctor, teenager,  
car-wash attendant, any walk of life...  what I can't figure is if it's a  
trickle-down or trickle-up effect.
<<Personal responsibility waning, experts say

Tue Apr 12, 4:10  PM ET

By Steven Thomma, Knight Ridder Newspapers 
WASHINGTON - Simple  and direct like the man who put it there, it was a bold 
statement that summed up  his approach to leadership and represented a value 
of the generation that helped  him build a new America after World War II. 

"The Buck Stops  Here," said the no-nonsense sign on President Harry Truman's 
desk. Today, it  sits in a Missouri museum. And with it perhaps the sentiment 
it represented.  
It was more than a slogan. The notion of accepting responsibility without  
passing the buck or blaming others when things went wrong was central to the  
work ethic and moral tone of the time. 
By contrast today, almost none of the  leaders of the country's great 
institutions ever step forward and take  responsibility for failure or even 
mistakes. It is sometimes imposed by  others, notably juries, but less so by 
broader American society and  virtually never invoked voluntarily in 
politics, business, religion or popular  culture. 
In government, for example, no one was held responsible for major  failures 
in intelligence in either the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks or what  former 
CIA Director George Tenet called the "slam dunk" conclusion that Iraq had  
weapons of mass destruction. Instead, President Bush awarded Tenet the Medal of 
Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor. 
In business, Worldcom CEO  Bernard Ebber's defense against criminal charges 
was that the boss isn't really  responsible for his company. A jury didn't 
agree and convicted him. 
In the  Roman Catholic Church, the man who presided over the country's worst  
sexual-abuse scandal, Boston Archbishop Bernard Law, eventually resigned his  
American office. But he retains his higher status as a cardinal, is well  
regarded in the Vatican where he now works and will soon be one of the elites  
who choose a new pope. 
In popular entertainment, bad behavior once routinely  punished on screen now 
can be excused or celebrated. In the 1960 movie "Oceans  11," for example, 
rogues led by Frank Sinatra don't get to keep their stolen  money. In the 2001 
remake, thieves led by George Clooney get away with the cash.  
Historians, philosophers, political scientists and sociologists cite many  
reasons for the decline of an ethic of responsibility in America over recent  
decades, including: 
- A culture of narcissism or self-absorption; 
- The  rise of celebrity worship and entitlement; 
- The distractions of the war on  terrorism. 
Whatever the reasons, most experts agree that how people feel  about their 
obligations has changed, particularly for those in positions of  power and 
"Responsibility is waning. The strong sense of holding  people responsible is 
getting more and more difficult," said Joan McGregor, a  philosopher at 
Arizona State University. "We still hold people responsible all  the time in a 
legal sense. But in a moral sense, it's as though no one is  responsible any 
It wasn't always so, particularly in the brief period  during and after World 
War II when the country was dominated by what Tom Brokaw  would later call 
the Greatest Generation. 
When enormously popular Gen.  Douglas MacArthur disobeyed presidential 
orders, Truman fired him, risking his  own political standing. 
President John F. Kennedy took "sole responsibility"  a few months into 
office when the invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs turned  into a debacle. He 
fired the CIA director and deputy who initiated the plan.  
But American society changed in the second half of the 20th century, much  
for the better, some for the worse. 
Post-World War II affluence produced a  mobile society, one that tore up the 
roots of closely bound ethnic communities  in central cities. Many moved to 
suburbs where neighbors didn't automatically  know neighbors and didn't 
necessarily share the same culture. People didn't feel  as responsible to 
strangers as 
they did to those who'd known them - and might  judge them. 
The divorce rate shot up. The number of people living alone  escalated. As 
Robert Putnam noted in his landmark 1995 book, "Bowling Alone,"  the number of 
people who bowled rose, but the number who did so in organized  leagues 
dropped. The fabric of American culture highlighted by membership in  
noted by Alexis de Tocqueville in the 1830s, came apart.  
"People begin to live in a way where they don't share a lot of symbolic  
meaning with the people near them," said the Rev. John Staudenmaier, S.J., a  
historian at the University of Detroit Mercy. "They don't want to share. They  
don't come from a world where the commitments you make bind you." 
Popular  culture echoed the changes with the rise of the anti-hero. The 
voluntary Hays  Code, which prohibited movies from glamorizing crime, was 
So was the  Television Code, with its prohibition against showing criminal 
behavior being  rewarded. Even the Comics Code Authority, with its requirement 
that good must  always win, faded. 
Americans adopted a new post-1960s attitude that society  - not the 
individual - was to blame for errant behavior. They created no-fault  divorce 
no-fault auto insurance. Increasingly, they also turned to lawsuits  to blame 
others for their own choices. 
Former President Bill Clinton  personified the trend. 
When first accused of having an affair with a former  White House intern, he 
angrily denied it and then-first lady Hillary Rodham  Clinton blamed a "vast 
right-wing conspiracy." After he was caught lying under  oath to conceal the 
affair, he lashed out at the politics of personal  destruction. In his 
presidential library, he avoids personal responsibility and  devotes most of an 
on his impeachment to blaming Republicans for trying  to unseat him. 
By the time he launched his presidential campaign in June  1999, George W. 
Bush, too, saw a problem. 
"My first goal is to usher in the  responsibility era, an era that stands in 
stark contrast to the last few  decades, where our culture has said: If it 
feels good, do it, and if you've got  a problem, blame someone else," Bush 
"Each American must understand that  we are responsible for the decision each 
of us makes in life." 
But he hasn't  taken responsibility for failures in his government, nor has 
he assigned it to  those who work for him. 
To be sure, finding people responsible for failure  during wartime is 
sometimes controversial. 
During the Civil War, Abraham  Lincoln was constantly second-guessed by 
congressional committees. Confederate  Gen. Robert E. Lee said one of those 
committees was worth two divisions to his  side. 
After Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941, the government investigated  and 
punished several senior military officials. Similarly, at the height of  World 
War II, then-Sen. Truman led an investigation into war profiteering by  
businesses, exposing shoddy work and saving billions of dollars and  
thousands of lives. 
After the United States was attacked in 2001, Bush  resisted attempts to find 
flaws in the nation's intelligence or security  apparatus. Once he relented, 
investigations found fault, but Bush didn't assign  responsibility or take it. 
Investigations also faulted intelligence services  for wrongly stating that 
Iraq had weapons of mass destruction before the United  States invaded. Again, 
Bush didn't assign responsibility or take it. 
In  fact, policymakers who expressed skepticism about parts of the 
administration's  case for war weren't asked to return for Bush's second term, 
former  Secretary of State Colin Powell and his deputy, Richard Armitage. 
Those who  publicly or privately trumpeted the false intelligence were either 
retained or  promoted, including Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld; 
then-National Security  Adviser Condoleezza Rice; her former deputy, Stephen J. 
Hadley; and Vice  President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" 
After it  was revealed that prisoners were abused in the Abu Ghraib prison in 
Iraq, Bush  condemned the practice. Rumsfeld offered to resign, but Bush 
rejected the offer.  
At a recent congressional hearing, a senior military investigator said top  
U.S. officials had failed to set clear rules for interrogating prisoners, but 
he  added that it wasn't his role to assign responsibility. 
In business,  high-flying, highly paid executives presided over a corporate 
culture that some  critics likened to the Gilded Age of the late 1800s. 
"The CEO became a cult  hero," said Todd Gitlin, a sociologist at Columbia 
University. "The CEO class  came to believe what the cover stories said about 
them, that they were sublime  geniuses who made vast amounts of difference in 
the success of their companies."  
When Worldcom's Ebbers claimed he wasn't responsible for financial crimes  
committed at his company - a defense other indicted executives planned to use - 
it signaled what Gitlin called a moral collapse. 
"If you think that being  the CEO and being rewarded gets you off a hook 
rather than on it, then your  moral principle is that ignorance is bliss," 
One thing that's  allowed the powerful to abandon responsibility is lack of 
societal pressure. In  1996, Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole 
discovered that voters were  uninterested in fund-raising abuses at the Clinton 
House. "Where's the  outrage?" Dole repeatedly complained. 
Gitlin attributes it to the cult of  personality. "There's been a metastasis 
of celebrity," he said. "Celebrity is  taken to be a moral position. To be a 
celebrity is to transcend mere categories  of good and evil." 
Staudenmaier, the historian, said people are distracted.  He suggested that's 
what happened in the Roman Catholic Church. 
"When you're  paying more attention to the definition of doctrinal 
correctness, which has been  the case for 20 years, you find people looking 
past the 
question of whether  people are doing a good job with the power," he said. 
At the same time, he  said, Americans became more exclusively focused on 
profits in business and on  the war on terror in government. 
Said Staudenmaier: "You take your eye off  the ball and you get bad 
behavior." >>

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