[lit-ideas] Re: Unable to deliver your message

  • From: Robert Paul <rpaul@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2007 16:53:28 -0700

David wrote

Here we're looking forward and backward simultaneously. In southern Oregon, Jackson County has closed libraries because the Feds stopped paying "don't cut trees" subsidies and the locals refused a levy.

Not exactly. There was never a Federal 'don't cut trees' subsidy. The policy of the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management has always been 'selective logging,' whereby every tree is selected and cut.

The money in question, the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000, was passed to make up, in part, for funds lost by counties in Oregon and California which had been sharing, fairly generously, in the profits from timber cut and sold on Federal land within those counties. This is usually called 'O & C' money. However, because timber is getting scarcer and scarcer, that source of income has dried up. I'm not even sure there is any longer an O & C Timberlands program.

Since the forests are gone the salmon are gone too, because muddy water now washes down the logged slopes into the creeks and streams and rivers and oceans where they once thrived. Never fear though. There's an infinite number of divine Leibnizian choices behind it all.

Robert Paul,
hugging trees,
somewhere south of Reed College
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